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Dæmon Analysis
Page 8

Contains: Chihuahua | Border collie | Rough collie | Jaguar | Deer

analysis by Cat

You are an intelligent person who is eager to please. People view you as alert and spirited. Your friends know you as an amusing, entertaining person with a great sense of humor who can keep them laughing and brighten even their most depressing days. But even though you are comical, you take yourself very seriously at times, and have a stubborn streak of pride.

You have a deep understanding of human communication - both verbal and physical, and you are responsive to peoples' needs. You are curious, lively and clever, and this makes you fairly popular. But you are suspicious of other people, and around strangers, you can be yappy, snappy and nervous. You become more shy and display "mindless yapping". XD; You are very territorial, and prefer to bond closely with a few people at a time, rather than seek out new friends.

You enjoy being with people similar to you. You're deeply and constantly affectionate. People love you for that, but at the same time, they can find your talking excessive. You're known as a spunky individual; a lot of personality in a small package. You're protective of your friends and don't seem to realize that you just don't appear intimidating. In fact, you look more fragile than frightening. But you have the heart of a lion, and you're stubborn and manipulative.

When it comes to your friends, you're a lot more sensitive. You're curious and lively and like to cuddle and play. You tend to have bursts of energy when playing excitedly, and can go on longer than your friends. This energetic attitude makes you a fun playmate. It's getting you to wind down people have trouble with.

border collie
analysis by Cat

Although you are usually unmistakeable, you have no real uniform appearence, but are not typically unkempt. People might describe your expression as keen, alert, and mild. With no extreme physical characteristics, your build is small to medium, and light. You aren't the sort of person to overindulge in food, even if the opportunity is there. Sometimes you can be discriminated against based simply on your appearance, even if this is irrelevant to your skills. But your attitude and abilities make up for your slight frame.

One of your most well-known traits is your intense drive to work. Hard-working, sensitive to commands, and with a biddable nature, you're the sort of person to excel at your work, whatever it might be. You require no reward when satisfied with what you've done. Respect is a big deal to you - without it, your boss may have trouble getting you to do something. When you have respect for your companions, you enjoy working with them - and don't mind subordinating to them if your respect is great enough. You're independent enough to make your own decisions, but good at taking orders. However, it can also be said that you're the wrong sort of person for a task that requires someone to be methodical and simply carry out orders without question, because you like to take matters into your own hands and to join in the decision-making process.

Your temperament is sensitive enough to bend your will when required to, tough enough to stand up to the pressures of your job, and eager to learn, with enough confidence and determination to carry on with work without constant guidance. Your working style can vary, and your ability to focus is intense: you rarely quit or waver in your tasks. Your initiative skills fluctuate: If someone won't find a job for you, you might just find your own, but there are other times when you won't make a move without being told. You often lay around waiting for someone to direct you. But you need activities to keep your busy mind active, as you are easily bored. In spite of that, it's unrealistic to assume you will always want to be working. You're not a robot. XD; When your tasks are successfully completed, you'll take a well-deserved break.

Far from humble, you have a superiority complex, and with your intellect, this shouldn't come as a surprise to people. You're known as being one who doesn't suffer fools gladly, and are certainly not averse to taking a quick shot at people who don't get your point. It can be hard to get you to put up with small children when you see them as an annoyance. You can be manipulative and domineering among half-hearted and weak people, and prefer the company of mature people who will have learnt to respect you. Your desire to put people in their place may be mistaken for aggression, but this isn't necessarily true. You're not aggressive by nature, and will usually fall back on this only when hurt, confused, or scared. Your superior sense lends to your condescending, cynical sense of humour. However, you're rarely nasty; nothing good comes of your losing your temper. It is your quiet air of command people respect.

You're not known to be particularly social, and some people might even view you as unfriendly, but this is wrong - you do like people. It's simply that you pick your friends, rather than "go with the flow" and tag on to a group. You can be reserved around strangers, but you're also protective of family, and affectionate with your friends. You usually have one person particularly special to you, and can become jealous when you think somebody is coming between you. Your loyalty and devotion to that "special person" is unquestioning. Protective by nature, you will defend your close friends without hesitation, whatever the cost. From afar your personality is attractive, and you are admired and appreciated - you seem like a choice friend to have. However, those who want to get close to you will have to think twice. You make a bad companion for those who aren't prepared to deal with your sharp wit and intelligence. Attention and effort is required on their part to entertain your active, easily bored mind. You're unsuitable to people who simply appreciate your smarts alone. Some people are well-suited to handle your high energy and quick mind, but others are quickly frustrated by you.

Graceful and well-balanced with a smooth gait, you tend to give the impression of stealth and speed when moving. Your gait occasionally comes across as "skulking". Most often your movements are short and precise, and you rarely stumble. Although you are capable of swiftness, your preferred pace is a brisk walk. Very rarely does rushing about do you good.

You work best in a partnership, and most especially in a second-in-command type situation where you are in a position of power and still take orders directly from an authority figure. This person would be likely to call you their strong right hand, and those under you respect you just as much as they respect that authority, if not more. You must have a great amount of faith in your leader, and when you do, you make an excellent team, but may still occasionally defy them - it's difficult for you to carry something out when you don't see the sense in it. When you know you're right, it can be hard to sway you, but if there's a chance you're wrong, you will acknowledge that and admit your mistake if proved wrong. When you get stubborn about something, it can be very difficult to keep you in check. You're the sort of person to accept an admonishment quietly, but swear under your breath when the boss' back is turned. XD

People work better under you when you are relaxed and casual. You're admired for your ability to remain calm and controlled while working, even if others around you become frustrated. Even when you reach that point where you become fed up, you're unlikely to take it out on people. When it comes to dealing with others, you know when to stand your ground challengingly and when to press patiently. In that you vary enormously temperament-wise; you will tackle the most aggressive opponents with confidence, but put no more pressure on others than is necessary. Being confident and bold, you gear up immediately to overcome those stronger opponents, and those who have gotten away with outwitting others will seldom challenge your prowess. In the same way you like to test people around you, some people will test you. It is important to not give way, be patient, and not show the slightest lack of determination when dealing with these types. Sometimes a hard stare is all it takes to intimidate others, but that's not your style. You're not a bully - rather than intimidate your charges, you teach them to respect you.

Unsurprisingly, you learn easily and happily. You love to learn new things, and will throughout your life. And once you have learned something, you aren't likely to forget it. You are the master of almost everything you are taught, be it mental or physical challenges; your only weakness is water sports, being naturally unsuited to water. Having exceptional athletic ability, you are light on your feet and flowing in movement with great endurance - so long as you pace yourself. You love to play (even if you often take your games a little too seriously) and don't always know when to stop on your own, so it's important that you don't overexert yourself. You must learn to conserve your energy so as not to become exhausted. You can only keep up a manic pace for so long. You can turn your physical prowess to almost any sport, and are particularly motivated to work in partnership. You may become confused by new methods until things "snap into place" - then you never look back. And you can work in any weather conditions, but might not work as well in summer, due to the fact that you can't handle the heat for too long.

You are recognized for your intelligence without needing to show it off. Even when not at work you are admired for your abilities. When you are at work, some people enjoy watching you. There are times when you enjoy the attention and are eager to show what you can do, and other times when having the spotlight on you makes you nervous and upset. This can take some people by surprise, given your confidence - and competence. You tend to become upset when treated differently than you're accustomed to, and behave differently in unfamiliar surroundings. But even when in a new place, you like to constantly be aware of your surroundings.

When not engaged in activities, you're usually very calm. But if you go too long without anything to occupy yourself with, you become miserable, frustrated or bored, leading to a state that can be either torpid and lacklustre or manic and antisocial. Your mental state can also depend on your companions - you can be calm and well-adjusted, or a neurotic nuisance. And your disposition varies: you can be reserved rather than outgoing.

You hate to be startled or snuck up on, due to the fact that you have a high startle reflex. When caught by surprise you sometimes over-react by shouting, hiding, or fleeing. While not paranoid, you believe that just because there is no enemy to be seen doesn't mean it isn't there, keeping you vigilant when others could be caught napping. Because you're so quiet, stealthy, and swift, you're good at sneaking up on people, but - perhaps because of your own dislike of being caught by surprise - you're more inclined to give them a chance and get their attention first. Despite this, you're occasionally perceived as slinking and crafty. It is true that you can be manipulative, and will use any tactic to gain control and get what you want.

Mostly quiet and untalkative, you rarely need or want to raise your voice, but have good communication skills. You seldom speak up even when everyone around you is lending to a conversation. Body language is more important to you. Your style is to vary between directing people in a quiet, orderly manner, and spectating; perhaps waiting for something to happen so that you can intervene. You don't always trust people not to get into trouble without your guidance, and like to keep your friends in line ... and mostly, they listen to you. Only people who don't know you very well will doubt your word - others know you've been proven right too often to be argued with. Your place in the social hierarchy is very important to you, and you always want to know where you stand.

You like to take long, brisk walks to clear your thoughts, and like to think about things in a relatively quiet environment. Perhaps this is due to the fact that, when not on the job, you tend to listen out for trouble anyway. Your hearing could be described as "marvellously acute". You also have a natural aptitude for locating people. On the other hand, people sometimes rely on you to get rid of unwanted company.

You tend to be obsessive over certain things, and carry out small rituals. Upon making a mistake, you are more likely to want a second chance and try harder to succeed than give up. You don't like to be made a fool of - nothing damages your confidence more. Sometimes you will simply refuse to do something if you don't see the sense in it. This can be detrimental to you, as you don't always see the "big picture". When focusing on one thing, something obvious to others may be outside of your knowledge.

Compared to others, you've been called a genius before. You can accept this without becoming overly arrogant, but you tend to doubt others' competence. Because of this, you often tense yourself upon noticing a difficult situation with a characteristic jerk of concentration - pulling yourself together to spring into action, whether you need to or not. You're alert, and have the ability to think on your feet. Lastly, some would argue that you're far from being a domestic soul, but others would say differently. It's true you can be a very demanding individual, but having a relationship with you can also be very rewarding. In the right situation with the right people, you can be one of the best companions in the world.

rough collie

You are of impassive dignity and magnificence, with a sweet, expressive, intelligent countenance.  You show no trace of coarseness, possessing a friendly disposition with no nervousness or aggression.  You're elegant and beautiful looking, but stand naturally straight and firm.  Some might get the erroneous impression that you're rigid and harsh, but past any first impressions, people will come to know that you're a conscientious person of immense intelligence.  You're very affectionate in all your actions.  You're good-natured and friendly to the point that dirt doesn't stick to you.  But you can be wary of strangers, along with stubborn and indolent.

You have a trim, though muscular, body.  You're lovely, active, and agile, giving an impression of lightness.  You're noble and highly intelligent; seen as active, proud, and cautious.  You are sensitive, sweet, kind, smart, and loyal.  You're usually good with other people and friendly with those you find to be like yourself.  You're very devoted to and protective of loved ones.  You bond to your entire family.  If separated from them, you'd be willing to walk 2000 miles to get them back.  You'd be content in the country or city, so long as you have their companionship.  You also have a particular affinity for children, and make an excellent companion for them with your playful, gentle temperament.

Your tendency to be vocal leans on noisy.  Still, you don't exaggerate things, whether verbally or physically.

It's visually obvious when you're alert or at rest, subdued or excited.  Being ambiguous is something you just can't do.

You started climbing the popularity ladder when those already up it supported you and became fond of you.  You're now a very recognizable and beloved individual.  Some even view you as a hero.

You have a fairly good sense of protectiveness for those you look up to, and especially for children.  You are not aggressive, but tend to be suspicious of people you don't like.  You're always "on the watch" in order to serve others.  It could be said you're a self-appointed guardian of everything you can see or hear.  You're quick to sound alarm if something feels amiss.  But again, your protective nature should not be mistaken for hostility.  You're a very easygoing character.

You're relatively inactive indoors, but energetic when out of the house, even though you're sensitive to the heat.  Socialization is a must no matter where you're at, because high distress arises if you're left alone.

You were somewhat aggressive as a youngster, but grew out of this behavior.  Same thing with your rough-and-tumble persona.

You're a worker and must never be dismissed as only a pretty face.  This soul is never happier than when you have a job to do, even if taking on dual roles.  You need organized activities to thrive, and you being lithe, strong, responsive, and active fits this perfectly.  When it comes to work potential, you are powerful with plenty of drive.  You don't work yourself too hard, though, preferring a reasonable speed; your rate of progress is smooth and appears effortless.

Intuitive and anxious to please, you respond well to teaching - and because of your sensitive nature, should be taught in a positive manner with no harsh treatment.  This will only discourage you rather than make you more determined.  You must be led with a gentle, loving hand, and then will catch on quickly and happily.  Otherwise you may be willful and refuse to cooperate.  You will respond to a person's tone of voice if you respect them.

People have been impressed with your cleverness.  Also, you quickly learn what's expected of you.

A hard-working, loyal, kind, obedient, and responsive nature make you an excellent member of the family.  Thanks in part to your loyalty and reliability, you represent, to many of your admirers, the ideal companion.


You can be intimidating due to your bearing and aggressive nature, but in reality you are often a more placid person.  Your speaking can be rough, yes, but it gets the point across.  You're very powerful when communicating and can verbally thwart an adversary with a single attempt.  (Multiple attempts usually aren't required.)  You crush the competition, thus rendering them defeated and speechless.  You know your stuff and don't have to aim for a "soft spot" to win debates.  These verbal skills are also used to scare off people or defend your beliefs; you let people know where you are (mentally) in an effective manner.  No one else can compete with you.  Because of your abilities, you have no real enemies. You also wouldn't consider anyone a "rival," being so self-assured.  Still, other factors in your life have led to indirect competition.

You're certainly not passive, but are rarely antagonistic towards others.  'Formidable' is a word to describe you, and thanks to your renowned reputation, people expect you to be bigger than you are.  Despite your outward appearances, beneath this you are more subdued and do not get shaken often.

Except for being with your partner or loved ones, you are a solitary individual.  People will rarely find you perusing company, though you are able to deal with small, more intimate groups.  Large crowds aren't welcome.  In spite of your forceful nature, people are surprised to discover you're shy and retiring.  Really, not much is known about the true you due to a reclusive nature.  You may seem curt and rather bristly to someone who just met you.

You primarily observe the world from a straightforward, factual point of view.  Nonetheless, you accomplish things quite well when approaching problems from a more emotional or idealistic outlook.

You cannot be labeled as nocturnal or diurnal, because depending on the situation and where you are, you'll be either.  Robust in action, you're active for a significant portion of the day and tend to work during the night.  You're able to get through things rapidly, but tire quickly.  Also, you tend to go after "small prey," but are well capable of succeeding with larger objectives as well.  And though you are able to rush to get something done, it's not an important skill.  You prefer taking your time and garnering a lot of information before making a move.  You're opportunistic, taking full advantage of the diversity around you.

When it comes to your surroundings, it's preferable to live within dense forest where there's plenty of running streams, but you will also frequent open country.  Necessity drags you to travel considerably throughout your area every day.

Some random facts are that people tend to blame you for their mistakes.  You're not "out to get" people, so much as you merely keep an eye on them to make sure they won't bother you.  You're often confused with others, appearance-wise, but your personality is distinct - associated with integrity, impeccability, bravery, and strength.  And for whatever reason you can see twice as much as others seem to.

A healthy and vigorous human being, it's safe to say you're going to live a long life.

For melanistic (black) panthers, you tend to be even more enigmatic and guarded than a regular wild cat.  But it's possible this arose as an adaptation to something in your life.

deer (w/ stag)

You're one of the most nervous and shy people around, especially when it comes to unfamiliar situations.  But once you've become habituated to something, you're noticeably more confident.  Still, you're passive and cautious overall.  Clever about hiding your intentions, you go about it in a painstakingly chary manner.  And when anxious, your posture is conspicuous enough to give it away.  You don't like being in the public eye or having people know too much about you.  You're a 'behind the scenes' kind of person with hidden motives.  You prefer staying away from those you dislike instead of confronting them, and this often proves to be a wise decision.

You're generally considered solitary, but at times you'll join with a large group of others.  You tend to spend more time with those of the same sex, and are very protective of loved ones.  You will always warn a friend about a bad decision and tell them how you feel.  But you're not particularly vocal - although you may be startlingly loud on occasion, such as when hurt either psychologically or physically.

Though emotionally close to your family, you were capable of doing things yourself at an early age.  Your thoughts tend to be thorough and complex, thanks in part to your ability to take in a lot more information than the average person.  Things others never seem able to comprehend don't pose a problem for you.  You're quick to make a decision.  Good eyesight and acute hearing are in your possession, but you depend on your intuition to detect bad situations ahead of time.  Thus you are able to evade problems by acting quickly, rather than chancing a long ordeal.  You can work fast when pushed to it and make tremendous leaps in your progress.  A person shouldn't be fooled by your skinny frame.  You're a fast-moving individual. 

You're most likely out and about just before dark.  Under cover of darkness, though, it's not uncommon for you to work well into the night.  You're notorious for doing things the same way as always, sticking to a known routine.  You believe in the established paths you've followed, though you will spread your base of knowledge when needed.

You have the idiosyncrasy of always wanting to obtain something directly from your benefactor and avoid middle-men.

You find it hard to settle on a single choice.  It's surprising for you to stick with something for several days, even.  Luckily you're able to make a home and thrive in a variety of areas, though you are loathe to prove it.  Your home range is rather small, along with your cruising range.  You like to stay close to home.  As long as conditions are adequate, you'll stay in one place for a long time, even if your interests bounce all around.  But you still don't become territorial over this well-known space.

You'd prefer staying in a cabin with family on a stormy winter night, rather than escaping it for a sunny beach.  Similarly, a doe dæmon represents being especially close to your parents.  You may have been slow to leave the nest.  Also, you probably appear to be younger or older than you actually are, and this goes for both genders.

Even though you're undeniably pleasant and innocent to look at, there are those who consider you destructive and something of a pest.  Not that you do anything on purpose to aggravate anybody.

As a random fact: You tend to gobble your food with few chews.  So much for table manners.  But in retrospect, you exercise considerable choice in what you do eat.

A stag dæmon will embody many of the traits above, but unlike the doe, they aren't as passive and panicky.  If your dæmon is a male deer, you are strong and influential when you want to be; tough and yielding in turns.  You're able to shed your passiveness like an old skin, becoming tough as nails.  Some would say this more aggressive attitude developed in you over time.  A fierce fighter, you pride yourself in being the winner of head-on clashes, because it usually gains you access to something you wanted.  You have to be intimidating in order to be successful more frequently.  And at least you don't usually get hurt during a dispute.  You're just stubborn - sometimes entirely preoccupied with obtaining a goal - and hate backing down for anybody.  You'll threaten people with hard stares rather than words, and do what you can to prevent an opponent's progress.  When after something, being naturally wary, you'll watch an opportunity from a distance before making a move.  All the aggression mentioned prior will not occur instantly.

You do not guard anything, but rather consider it yours, and fight another individual if the question comes up.

You don't mind being alone, but aren't entirely a loner.  You just don't form emotional attachments easily.  You usually form groups of two to four individuals that constantly changes and disbands.  Also, you often find yourself in a sort of dominance hierarchy, with one person definitely being the leader figure.  Sometimes the need arises for you to "spar" for that dominant position.