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Dæmon Analysis
Page 7

Contains: Arabian horse | Western dragon | White-tailed jackrabbit | Snow leopard | Turtle

Veil / Sil / Arabian horse
[Sil's dæmon settled as a Grevy's zebra]
analysis by Spiral

You are an easy going, sociable person at heart, though you can be quite high spirited and hot blooded. You've got good stamina- perhaps you rarely get sick and have a good immune system, or you're able to deal with stress better than others. To go with that, you can deal with situations others cannot. You've got good endurance, either mentally or physically. Perhaps you're good at endurance sports, or maybe you can go a long time without sleep. This is largely because of your ability to conserve your energy. You are adaptable to many different situations. You've got a good disposition- a good temperament, easy to get along with (though your reputation may not indicate so), as well as being trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. You are alert and attentive- you're attuned to your surroundings and are always aware of what and who are going on around you. You are not picky with your food- you can survive on eating practically nothing.

You're intelligent, and good at using your initiative and common sense. Despite this, you can be impulsive. You can be quite sudden, and surprise others because of it. You are sensitive and quick to learn, and willing to please others, though you become more on-edge, difficult, moody, and negative when things become too repetitive or others abuse you. If people find you hard to deal with, it is normally the result of mistreatment towards you earlier. With bad treatment or experiences you can become excessively nervous or anxious. The only reason you really become vicious is if you are seriously spoiled, or extremely offended and hurt. Otherwise, you are a cooperative person, and when you trust someone you can be quite obedient to them. You can be somewhat nomadic- you don't like to stay in one place for too long. You feel calmer around certain sounds/you respond a lot to noise. You find certain sounds calming.

You are very easily recognizable- you are very rarely mistaken for someone else. On you're feet you are nimble- you've got quick, light, or agile movements or you could be clever and acute in devising and understanding (perhaps you are also artistic and enjoy sewing or doing origami). People seek you out for your talents, and you are highly respected. You are a versatile person, with a penchant for being showy- you may parade yourself at times or you may attract a lot of attention. You may be popular, with a large circle of friends. You've got a sense of beauty- you may have a lot of inner/outer beauty. Above all, you are elegant.

Sil's thoughts

Heh. I'm almost always mellow, and I try to be laid-back. I am most definitely sociable- I love being with people. And hot blooded? That's me all over. I'm… it's hard to explain unless you know me. As for having good stamina- I may not have very good physical stamina, but I mentally endure things that no one would really like to consider, from the institutionalization of a friend, to the death of another, to my daily regiment of medical treatments. This can all be very stressful, but I rarely break down under the burden. I just press onward. I am VERY mentally endurant- I see a goal, I keep going at it until I want it. I also have some physical endurance when walking- I can go for quite a while, though I am admittedly a sprinter. Considering how many times I've moved, I would say I'm adaptable- I'm not bothered by sudden changes in weather or time zones. Temperament, I know I'm pretty easy-going, and everyone says that I'm easy to make friends with. Some people think that I'm a total bitch most of the time, but that's just not true. I'm only that sometimes *wink*. I know I'm fairly trustworthy, very dependable, and reliable. If you tell me a secret, I won't go around telling everyone.

I'm highly alert- I notice things most people wouldn't notice. A few days ago I was in my shrink's office, and he had a koosh ball stuck to the ceiling. I noticed it almost right away, and he said "I knew you would see it. No one else noticed it but you." I have sharp eyesight, and well tuned other senses.

Regarding being picky- I hate to admit it, but I can be. I'm much better than I was as a child. The second part of that statement is true though- I can eat very little and get along fine (though I prefer eating until I'm stuffed to the seams).

Intelligence- okay, well... I know I'm intelligent. I'd just be idiotically modest if I said I wasn't. I have the academic awards and records, the statements and accolades, to go along with my general knowledge. I have a strong sense of initiative, though my common sense can sometimes lack. I rely almost solely on my impulse at times- ideas pop into my head and I follow them. I change my mind sometimes that I startle others, just like it stated. My ideas come from nowhere, and leave people in the dust. I grasp new concepts and ideas quickly, and I love showing my teachers that I have grasped that. I take any slights to my person to heart... I'm a big sensitive softy, I guess.

I hate when things become repetitive, I'll say that now. It puts me on edge, makes me moody... everything the analyses said, basically. If people abuse me... They learn their mistake soon enough. I don't resort to physical violence, but to mind games most of the time. When the bad treatment persists, I do become nervous, thinking everything is out to get me. My aggression comes out when severely provoked... And I'll admit it. I was spoiled, so much of my aggression comes from there. I'm fairly used to getting what I want, and doing whatever I have to do to get what I want.

Though I'm never exactly obedient, when I trust someone I do cooperate. I like to be on equal level with someone- no one lower or higher. On being nomadic- I go crazy if I'm in the same place for too long. I require a move every now and then, a change in scenery- sometimes I just resort to redoing my room.

The sounds part is very true for me. When I was younger, my parents would play loud rock music so I wouldn't be one of those screaming babies going off whenever they heard a loud noise. Now loud rock music makes me feel sleepy and comforted. I'm a strange person.

Oooh boy. Easily recognizable I am. My hair is unlike anyone else's for one thing- waist length, blonde, red high lights, sometimes orange. People never have trouble finding me. I also have quite a tiny, distinct frame- I'm built somewhat delicately. This also gives me a sense of nimble movement as stated, though I am also nimble and quick-witted in mind. I have talent with archery and writing, and people will go out of their way to ask me questions about both. I'm showy- I like to be the center of attention, and people just seem to notice me. I have a lot of friends, and the potential for more if I wanted them. Last, but certainly not least, I'm going to sound vain- but I know I'm hott stuff. 'Nuff said.

Shariadarow / Sean / Western dragon
[Sean's dæmon settled as a red fox]
good Eastern dragon analysis here

You've been called a fierce, bloodthirsty monster, but such tales are exaggerated. You find that you're often portrayed by contradictory concepts. Your main function seems to be to set off the bravery in those challenging you, as though you're merely be a walking foil. An obscure, mysterious character, you are described in broad terms. You have numerous fascinating qualities in addition to those occasional glimpses you give others. You aren't "evil," but at the least solitary and bad-tempered. You have always been slandered and misjudged, persecuted by all types, simply because (as cliche as it sounds) you are different. Those who speak poorly of you believe in their so-called superiority. Yet others would call you a friendly individual who prevents pessimists from spoiling a good time -- benevolent, but bossy. You are also an admirable, fascinating, intelligent, and educated person, who leads a most interesting life. You're utilized as a wise being that others approach for help and advice, and you find that people are glued to your every word. You live to learn and gather knowledge. Any interesting fact is a major temptation. If someone knows something you don't and teaches you, you find a way to express your deep gratitude.

For many your name brings to mind an imposing individual, but the facts are different from the myths. You're not as imposing to look at as some pretend. Most people picture you as a particularly cruel creature based off what they've heard. Just from seeing you, people can tell what you're capable of. Being a very clean person, you take great care to always keep your appearance clean and immaculate. You're a very complicated person to behold, as your appearance is highly decorated and gives you a habitual luster. You boast a thick build with broad shoulders. You are tougher than what can be imagined, but still graceful and delicate in your motions. You get where you want to go with great speed.

You aren't nearly as needy as others, in a way that suggets you're not driven by the stimulations a man's life offers. Even if tough-skinned and fairly aggressive, you can be a softy. Anyone going straight to the heart (if they're brave enough) might disable you.

You can handle a lot without much difficulty. Putting you in charge is often a wise decision. You feel you don't do your best when forced to follow the rules and stay grounded, but your stamina holds out longer in that case. You put so much effort into your unique projects that you can't maintain them for a long period of time. Instead you take your sweet time when something really matters to you. It takes patience to build something until it's just right, you think. You never need to start over from scratch, but manage to just improve and adapt yourself. Only in cases of illness are you not happy with yourself.

Although you can be brutal and rather mean, you're depicted as far worse. But it's fact that no one's safe when you're enraged; your words will tear them to pieces if you so wish. A verbal battle with you often ends with you the victor - almost like magic. Some believe having you on their side would enable them to win any argument. But then again, people always expect much out of you. When pushed to it, anything in your path is seriously injured and little remains of the weak. "Dragon fire is all-consuming." But without something to fuel you, the destructive potential doesn't regenerate. In contrast, fights with those close to you are never fatal. You butt heads, and swipe blindly in hopes of doing damage.

You tend to be a loner by nature or some sense of obligation, and pass much of your time alone in your "lair," learning skills you can use. Since you're alone a great deal of time, you enjoy the company of others so long as they don't mean to make trouble. You're unable to live peacefully among some characters. You do not understand the reasons for man's self-destructive behavior, and keep well out of the way of such wrongdoings. Your quest is a quest for knowledge, and to teach those who are also seeking the essence of truth. You're also a great lover of art, along with gold and silver or anything beatiful, and your bedroom's proof of this. You are not renowned for a love of manual work, but prefer intellectual acitvity by far. Often you don't devote your time to creating rare beauties yourself, but to acquiring them through various methods - whether fair or foul. Your famed eyesight also aids you in the hunt. You find it almost impossible to part with a single one of your "treasures" that you've accumulated over the years. Many would call you obsessive-compulsive, or an emblem of greed. Some think you hoard these items for reasons other than simple obsession, though. It's more to you than that. They're incapable of understanding the rush it gives you. You're fickle and only gather the best of what you come across. Partly, you just like the look and feel of coins. You're very well organized, so these items aren't strewn all over the place.

You live (or would prefer living) in a wild, remote region of the world where you can guard your treasures. You'd like to live hidden away in forested mountains. Or you may have a taste for bodies of water. You have search miles around your home and have memorized every nook and cranny in the area. Being independent, you don't need others to be comfortable. You can adapt to most any climate, hot or cold, allowing you to maintain your activities both day and night. Warmth remains even when you leave a room.

Even as a baby you were ferociously hungry to take in all the world had to offer. You could be tough to get along with and were hard on your siblings, but fortunately could make yourself invisible at opportune moments. Though more vulnerable during childhood, your skin thickened over the years. You love speed and risk, and look for a similar active nature in your partner. Add such pleasures to love, and what could be better? You will most likely lead a solitary life until finding your life-long partner. Even at forty you'll still feel like a teen. You're the type who'd accept old age -- you can't imagine yourself descending into a decrepit state.

Sean's thoughts

Yes, I have been portrayed as cruel and heartless by my enemies, yet I am thought of as the wisest of my friends. Few know what I am really like, due to my constant glare (not intentional, I am light sensitive) and expressionless actions. I am not evil, but yes, I am solitary and bad-tempered. I have always been bullied for being different, and because I fought back rather than always take the blows. All of my enemies believe themselves to be far superior to me (although I prove them wrong on several occasions), while my friends look to me for my warnings because being a pessimist, I try better to understand the risks involved. I am a seeker of knowledge, but not the kind that is easy to find, and I share what I know with those I trust.

Yes, many hear of what I am capable of, and assume I am cruel and needlessly violent, but these are not true. Neither am I weak in any way, although my appearance suggests it. I do try to be very clean, but fashion does not rule me. I am actually of thin build, even though I am descended from thick builds on my father's side. I am very delicate and graceful in my movements though. I am a lot tougher than anyone I know when it comes to pain, illness, temperature, or healing when wounded. I am always on my feet getting to places far faster than my friends because of my endurance and speed.

I am very independent, and I don't need or want most luxuries that most I know desire. I am somewhat soft on the inside, but I never show it, yet another thing adding to the illusion of my cruelty. Those brave or foolish enough to try going for my heart to get at me find I defend myself from such things quite well.

I can and do handle a great deal with very little difficulty, and I am usually the leader around my friends. I am bad at following rules though, and I try to find the more efficient way of doing things. I work on many unique projects, and it does take a long time to do them. But when I finish they are always perfect rather than being incomplete and done quickly. I rarely restart anything, I usually just adapt it to be better. Yes, the only time I am not happy with myself is when I am sick, but that is rare anyway.

It is very true that I harm people with my words when I debate or fight them. But I am depended on too much. I am very destructive when angry or forced, something which I am known very well for. When I do fight with those closer to me, I try to avoid doing damage, instead using my agility and words to avoid them and tire them out.

I am a loner and I have a sense of obligation, so I do tend to spend time in my lair bettering myself. I do enjoy company, so long as they don't cause trouble and they are intelligent enough to understand me. I honestly don't understand man's self destructive nature, and I try to stop it rather than avoid it. I am a learner and a teacher, delving into what others dismiss as fake, only to often prove them wrong. I do love art, but I don't like gold or some other precious metals, I only favour silver when it comes to those. I am known for hating and not doing manual work, and known very well for my intellectual work. I am a lover of natural things, such as gemstones, and I never part with them. My friends and family do think it is obsession, but it is much more to me than they will ever know. I only gather the better ones though and I am fairly organized.

I actually do live in a beautiful natural area. I live in Nelson, where there are glaciers, mountains, many trees and a very large lake/river. I adapt to any climate, having lived in Kamloops before (the glacier/volcano carved desert of BC) moving back to here. I am nocturnal and a naturally cold person, but they don't bother me (I hate being warm).

I have always been hungry for knowledge, and very tough to get along with. I have been hard on my brother (sadly, he isn't very bright), and I do make myself invisible very easily. I was very vulnerable when I was younger, but now I am practically invulnerable to anything set in my way. I do love speed and risk, and I would seek that in a future partner should I find one. Until then though I will lead a solitary life. Yes, I intend to not become decrepit in old age, instead to stay as I am now for the most part no matter how hard it will be.

Hythalia / Tori / white-tailed jackrabbit
[Tori's dæmon settled as a kinkajou]

In stature, you're relatively slim with very slender legs. You have a lean, lanky look. (Thanks to this you'd probably be good at swimming if you tried it.) Despite this small build, your aura gives people the impression that you're bigger than you are. Maybe because you're such a voracious eater. ;)

As a baby you greeted the world with open eyes: Precocious, active, and competent. You seemed more prepared for life than the children around you, always a step ahead.

You're generally silent, choosing to sit back and learn what you can. You need good reason (or an unpleasant surprise) to get your mouth running. You're the cautious type who likes to have a way out, and are constantly surveying your surroundings to assess a situation. People would think you're perpetually in a Zen state - you're so passive and loathe to lose your temper. You can get mad like anyone else - you just release your frustration in constructive ways instead of getting all fired up. Your ability to stay cool in most any situation would make you a level-headed, respectable leader. It's like you can sense something coming from a mile off. You can take whatever difficult situation's thrown at you, but you're not adaptable in the long run. If what you're accustomed to was suddenly shaken up or intruded upon, you'd feel forced to start afresh elsewhere. You also need to be eased into something rather than just jumping in.

People could call you nocturnal, because you're most active at dusk, early in the morning, and on moonlit nights. During the day you take it easy around the house. You try to remain hidden from anyone's radar, preferring to be alone and at peace. You're seldom seen unless forced into making an appearance, and even then you're likely to blend in. You are the least sociable in your family, but for special occasions you interact with two or three others.

You stick to what you're used to, because it's what works. You never stray far from these methods, but will take a chance if it should benefit you. You can move fast when pushed to it; you're all energy when necessary. After short bursts of extreme effort you settle down into an equally efficient, but more relaxed, state. You don't waste anything but try to conserve what you have - getting everything you can out of something. While you're generally good at navigating, you're inefficient at hunting down what you need if it's not where you expect.

Many like taking a stab at you. Generally, you'll get them to look over you by acting indifferent. Other times you slink off silently, but can exit with surprising speed when you don't have time to think, or you know it's your only chance of getting away unscathed. You're also good at confusing people to get them off your back. That's not to say you're defenseless when cornered. You'll prove a tough opponent - hurting your adversary if they give you the chance.

For landscapes, you prefer open grasslands but thrive on virtually any type of farmland. (You're fond of haystacks.) Seldom are you tempted to penetrate woodland. You don't like feeling closed in. You need a lot of leg room: a significant area to call your own. Your tastes do tend to change, though, as you like different scenery during different seasons. And in cold weather you're often less active or motivated.

A somewhat unusual trait is that you're more about protecting loved ones than showing them heaps of affection. In looking for a partner, you like the kind that is willing to chase and/or fight for you.

If your dæmon is a male jackrabbit, you get aggressive when there's competition (competition for anything), and will do your best to deter them through intimidation. You can also fight furiously and inflict pain at every opportunity.

Tori's thoughts

The analysis fits, mostly. There's some things that don't, and quite a lot that I've simply never thought of. I've done my best with the response, but I may come back later if I realize that I actually do some of those things and just haven't noticed. ^__^ The biggest thing I've found missing is indecision, but they might not metion it in sources. I've seen white jacks be stuck between a car coming one way down an alley and me coming down the other way and they won't do anything. They'll run one way, then the other, twitch, and generally not do anything until the last minute. Which is basically like me. Other than that, it's very good. =)

I’m small, definitely, and can be described as slim. As for the appearing bigger than I actually am, I wouldn’t know. No one’s ever commented on it. I can be a voracious eater at times, but not just with food. I devour books and information.

I was a smart kid, what can I say? Not the smartest, but I was definitely ahead of most.

I’m quiet. Ask someone to describe me in one word and that’s probably the word they use. I like knowing where I am (and where I’m going, and what I’m doing), especially in unknown situations. I’m cautious, but I don’t know if I always have a way out of a situation. I’m more of the kind that just continues and hopes it’ll all work out somehow.

I actually think that I have a short temper; I just won’t let myself yell or express myself in the conventional manners. Passive is right; I hate fights and conflicts. Cool in most situations? I’d say yes, but I’m bad at making decisions. I won’t become a leader in a situation unless I’m pressured to.

I can act fairly well in a crisis, but I’d probably burn out after a while and have to go hide somewhere. I definitely don’t jump into situations without thinking. Though if I think too much, I might not do anything at all.

People could call you nocturnal, because you're most active at dusk, early in the morning, and on moonlit nights. During the day you take it easy around the house. You try to remain hidden from anyone's radar, preferring to be alone and at peace. You're seldom seen unless forced into making an appearance, and even then you're likely to blend in. You are the least sociable in your family, but for special occasions you interact with two or three others.

Everything in this paragraph is true, especially ability to blend it. I do find, though, that I have a need to socialize every now and then. But it’s not usually with a crowd of strangers, just a couple friends.

You stick to what you're used to, because it's what works. You never stray far from these methods, but will take a chance if it should benefit you. You can move fast when pushed to it; you're all energy when necessary. After short bursts of extreme effort you settle down into an equally efficient, but more relaxed, state. You don't waste anything but try to conserve what you have - getting everything you can out of something. While you're generally good at navigating, you're inefficient at hunting down what you need if it's not where you expect.

Everything in this paragraph fits as well. ^_^ I’m very much a creature of habit, with routines for almost everything from how I get up in the morning to what order of websites I visit online. I usually do everything fairly quickly (unless it’s hard), but if pushed I can work a whole lot faster.

I actually don’t get bugged a lot. Mostly because I don’t really react, so they usually lose interest after a while. I’m very good at slinking off silently. If you’re not watching, I may just disappear. Confusing? I don’t know. I can be, but I don’t think I use it as a defence mechanism. It’s simply that people don’t know me too well, or I’m not articulate enough. I like to think I’d be a tough opponent when it comes down to it, but I’ve never been in a situation where fighting was the only solution. If I were, I’d probably just leave.

I’m one of those fortunate people who live in the natural habitat of their dæmon. I love it here, and even if I enjoy traveling to new places, I’d rather live here for the rest of my life. I like forests, though. I don’t know if I’d enjoy living in one, but I do enjoy exploring them and will if I get the chance.

I’ve very protective, it’s true, but I do enjoy showing affection. I wouldn’t say that I want to be chased. I’m just not the type to chase out someone. If they want me, they’ll have to come to me. Razz Usually just because I’m too caught up in indecision to move.

If your dæmon is a male jackrabbit, you get aggressive when there's competition (competition for anything), and will do your best to deter them through intimidation. You can also fight furiously and inflict pain at every opportunity.

I know this is for people with male dæmons, but I’d like to point out that in a fight I think I can do very well at inflicting pain.

Aurianor / Sylvermyst / snow leopard
analysis by Mairéad

You are extremely secretive and you tend to blend in with the crowd. Good at coping with adversity, you adapt well to new problems, helped along by your agile mind which enables you to grasp new ideas and concepts quickly; you learn by practise and observation rather than by studying.

You are confident and thick skinned and you're not worried about other people's opinions. As you don't feel as though you need the company of others, it can be very difficult for people to become close to you and gain your trust; you are just as happy alone, as you tend to find that other people are disruptive to your life and habits. You hate crowded and busy places and would prefer to complete tasks alone rather than in a team. However, when you do let someone get close to you, you need to be sure that they love you as much as you love them, and this often means that you find romantic relationships difficult to maintain.

Despite your shyness, you are always very tactful and subtle when talking to others; you are good at avoiding painful subjects, and even when you find it necessary to mention something that could be awkward or upsetting you rarely upset people due to your tact and kindness. Gently spoken, you are known for your non-aggressive speech, yet you prefer to communicate through email or the phone rather than face to face, and many people secretly admire you or even view you with awe.

Although you are very nonaggressive in your actions as well as your speech and will run rather than fight in almost every circumstance, you are extremely protective and if your family or very close friends are threatened you will attack. This tends to be a huge surprise to the person on the recieving end of your aggression, as people rarely see this side of you.

When you want to get something you are extremely patient and will work and work away until you get where you want to be. You like to take time over the things you enjoy and prefer to relax rather than gobble up the pleasure all at once. You also tend to maintain a balance in all areas of your life and prefer to do things in moderation. Occasionally, however, when the chance arises, you love going on a binge and pampering yourself like mad.

Powerful and strong-willed, you have your head in the clouds (but your feet firmly on the ground), you can be quite an opportunist. You're probably still a bit of a kid deep inside, and when in pain you want to hide from the world rather than talk to anyone.

Sylvermyst's thoughts

Overall, this fits me very well. I am very shy and secretive, I seriously doubt anyone knows me as well as they think. I’m very good at blending in with the crowd, or just blending in general. I would say that I’m pretty good at coping with adversity, I can handle stressful situations very well. I do adapt well to new problems, and I can usually grasp new concepts very quickly, even complicated ones. As for learning by practise and observation, that’s completely true. I find it really hard to learn by studying, I have to either practise doing it myself, or watch someone else doing it. I also learn a lot about people by watching them and how they react to things.

I wouldn’t generally describe myself as confident, I’m normally too busy being shy. But in a situation I’m comfortable with (pretty much anything not to do with social interaction), I am quite confident. I certainly don’t care what other people think of me; their opinions don’t matter to me unless they’re contributing something useful. I don’t really benefit from being around others as much as most, and people find it very hard to get close to me. As for gaining my trust, there are very few people that have it. I can work just fine alone, and people do tend tor disrupt me very easily. I generally avoid crowded and busy places; I don’t feel comfortable there.

Sometimes I don’t mind crowded or busy areas, as long as I know what’s going on and can easily get out of there if I need to. I don’t like working in a team, and I avoid it whenever I can. Sometimes, however, there is no other option, and then I tend to either end up doing almost all the work so I know it’s getting done, or none of it, because working together is something I have real trouble with. “You need to be sure that they love you as much as you love them”. That’s exactly true. I’m not sure whether I find romantic relationships difficult to maintain, as I’ve never gotten into one. But I suspect that I probably would find it hard, because I have overly high standards in that area.

I am generally quick tactful and subtle, except for the occasional misunderstanding. I do avoid painful subject very well, and I can normally even talk about unpleasant topics without anyone getting hurt. I can very loud and vocal at times, but not many people know this, because I am generally very quiet and softly spoken. Although I would consider phone or email conversation unsuitable for some things, which really should be done in person, I prefer to communicate at a distance, and am much better at expressing my ideas that way. I’m not sure if people admire me or not, but it certainly is a possibility.

I hate fighting and avoid it whenever possible. I’m very non-aggressive, almost dangerously so. But I am extremely protective of family and close friends, as well as my beliefs. Although normally I’d rather not fight, if any of those things are threatened, I’ll defend them without question. When I do that, people are generally very surprised, because it’s not what they expect of me. The same goes when I’m noisy of voicing and opinion: people are used to it, so they’re shocked and usually listen to what I have to say.

I’m generally quite patient about getting things. Even if it takes me a very long time, I keep working at something until I get there. I do like to relax and take things easy, and I would agree that I prefer to do most things in moderation. Except of course, when I go on a binge, and moderation gets completely ignored.

I am very strong willed, but it doesn’t get shown often, partly because I don’t need to and partly because when it is shown, no one is there to see it. If there is a difficult task, I’ll go for it straight away, and if I decide I don’t want to do something, nothing and no one is going to make me. The same goes for doing things: if I’ve decided I’m going to complete a task, I will, even if (and especially when) people think ‘m not capable of doing so.

I have a very active imagination, but even at the height of my fantasies, I’m still connected to reality. One of things I’m best at is using both logic and creativity in any situation. I am quite opportunistic, in that if an opportunity of interest presents itself, I’ll be sure to take it.

When I’m upset or in pain, I do tend to hide from the world, it’s not their problem, and I don’t want their help. In a sense, I am a little childlike deep down, in that I will act silly for no apparent reason, and I’m very curious.

All in all, a great analysis, which matches me very well, although not perfectly.

analysis by Cat

You have incredible endurance, and are admired for your uncanny ability to deflect any assault thrown at you, whether it is physical or emotional. Some might call you tireless; when you set your mind to a task you're willing to spend long hours on it. You are looked upon as wise, but really you're just steady, level-headed, and sensible. The cliché "old habits die hard" could definitely be said for you. You are dependent on things remaining the same in your life. Even after years, your behavior is generally the same. As well as this, you're highly independent, and often slow to react, but this doesn't mean you can't be swift when the need arises.

You prefer flight to fight, but you can be extremely fierce when provoked, which sometimes surprises people. You're persistent, and although your moves are typically predictable, you are incredible when it comes to defending yourself. People don't really fear you, but maybe they should. You react upon instinct. Still, there are some people that like to annoy you that you simply can't shake off. These people seek you out to harm you, and it's best to avoid them entirely.

You're a highly migratory person who loves to travel. You're happy when you're on the move. Things that might frighten another person simply don't affect you, and you're admired for that. You work best where you feel at home: it would be a mistake to attack you in your element. And lastly, though one might not expect it of you, you're good at running away from your problems, if worse comes to worst.

( Kudos to TU, Zen, and everyone else who chipped in. ^^ )