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Dæmon Analysis
Page 6

Contains: Australian shepherd | Serval | Gray wolf | Grant's gazelle | Red fox

Arzairrah / Celestine / Australian shepherd

You posses an eye-catching appearance, and for your medium size, you're a rather strong and sturdy individual. Figuratively, you can withstand any kind of weather. You display an attentive attitude and are noted for your intelligence. Friends try to get you to socialize with a variety of people because you're stand-offish by nature. Though you being reserved should not be mistaken for shy or wary. The true you is confident and self-possessed, not fearful and unsure. You may be aloof, but are always alert, aware of your surroundings, cautious, and usually an extremely good judge of character. You're naturally suspicious of strangers, but are not an aggressive person - nor do you like being loud often.

You are very active, and you need to be given a job to perform to be at your happiest; plus, this prevents you from becoming bored or frustrated. At times like those you find other things to occupy yourself... and these activities usually get you into trouble. It's best when your energies are put towards something more productive. After all, you have a fair amount of energy to keep yourself busy.

Loyalty, courage, and an easygoing nature characterize your temperament. But then again, your temperament varies greatly. You can be energetic or placid, hard-headed or sweet-natured, serious or silly, introverted or extroverted. You do well with children, as you adore playing and goofing around.

You are quite demanding of friends' time and attention and want to be constantly with them. (Plus you want to supervise everything.) You're known for being very people-oriented. Being stuck in one place, especially alone, causes great frustration and angst inside you. You're the kind of person who would enjoy a pointless car ride just to be with your beloved family. You can be highly territorial and protective of your friends' and family's possessions. You want to protect what's important to them, and just have strong guarding instincts. You thrive on feeling in control and dictating order, but will also be more than happy to follow those you respect. Still, sometimes the need to control those around you is overwhelming. You want to tell them what to do because you believe you know best. This attitude can cause you to become too rough on others.

You have the intellect, concentration, and instinct fit for working... well, above your inferiors, honestly. You're a thinking and reasoning person, which can make teaching you a pleasant experience because you absorb information like a sponge. Positive reinforcement and praise work well in keeping you motivated. You're a creature of habit, and respond well to a regular, well-established daily routine. You like the limits to be clearly defined. The ability is in you to be ready for and stick with any given task without quitting. It helps in your eagerness to learn new things and get it right, and not be intimidated by necessary corrections. The more jobs you learn to do, the happier you'll be. Vigorous exercise is thrived on. Plus, with a good teacher you can learn to do almost anything.

You are highly versatile and can be a wonderful workmate - loving to be part of the daily hustle and bustle. You don't complain about diligently carrying out your responsibilities. You're easy to teach and eager to please.

On the down side, some find it trying that you have a mind of your own. You can be manipulative, and sometimes stubborn and dominant, wanting to be the boss. Some might say you will constantly be testing your limits and their patience.

Overall, though, you are a delightful and loyal companion with tons of spirit.

Celestine's thoughts

Wow, you hit the nail on the head on this one...I am medium-sized but sturdy and strong. I *can* withstand any type of weather, although I might not like it heheh. I am especially noted for my intelligence. "Friends try to get you to socialize with a variety of people because you're stand-offish by nature." Well...they don't, actually, although they probably should because I am stand-offish, but not wary or shy. "The true you is confident and self-possessed, not fearful and unsure. You may be aloof, but are always alert, aware of your surroundings, cautious, and usually an extremely good judge of character." Bingo! There is a side most people don't see of me--confident and self-assured. They just see me as aloof and anti-social. I know what's going on at all times, and I am cautious. I do prize myself as a good judge of character.

I am happiest when I have a job to do. I hate being bored; I hate it! I must have something *important* to do. If there isn't something I should be doing, I make up my own job. I have gotten in trouble for this, but really, what *else* am I to do with all my energy, study dust patterns?!

Loyal, courageous, and easygoing fits me perfectly. But I do tend to vary; this was why I had such a hard time settling. I'd think otter because I love to have fun, but otters are never serious, and I sometimes am. Or I'd say tiger because they're strong and wise like me, but tigers aren't really goofy enough like I can be. So this fits well. And I love children, I looooove them. I could spend all day with the little buggers!

"You are quite demanding of friends' time and attention and want to be constantly with them." Erm...really? I'm not...demanding....well, now that I think about it, I do want to ' be constantly with them'....but that's not demanding, is it? Heh. Now that I step back and look at myself...yeah, I am a little bit demanding ^_^;; I do want to supervise everything. I just can't help it. As for people-orientated...this is true, but only with the right people. No, I don't like being alone, and especially being 'stuck in one place.' That absolutely causes frustration. I do literally enjoy pointless car rides lol. I love my family. :-) As for posessive of loved ones' posessions...I'm more protective of the people themselves, but the possessions too. I have *very* strong guarding instincts. I truly long to protect and guard. "You thrive on feeling in control and dictating order, but will also be more than happy to follow those you respect." This is beautifully true. I like to be in charge, but if someone I respect and know can do it better is around, I'll happily obey. "Still, sometimes the need to control those around you is overwhelming. You want to tell them what to do because you believe you know best. This attitude can cause you to become too rough on others." Heh...too true. I have been described as "quite bossy." This is not a title I appreciate. Everyone else really *should* be listening to me, after all. I *do* know best!

I have what it takes to work above my inferiors. I do have inferiors. Maybe I'm a little aristocratic...tough luck. Not everyone can do what I can. I am a very quick learner, and I love to learn. I actually have been told I absorb information like a sponge. Creepy. Praise is very encouraging to me. And I am a creature of habit. I like routine. Also, I very much like the limits to be clearly defined. "Shady areas" bug me, especially if I'm unable to un-shady them. If I really want to, I can stick to something and work it to death. I don't like "neccesary corrections." I usually get things right the first time. And the part about many jobs is true--I get happier and happier with each new skill aquired. I would love to learn it all. I love exercising my talents. And I can learn to do "just about anything", as long at it *is* a good teacher!

I do like to be a part of everything that is happening. I don't complain--as long as I see the task as worthwhile, or it was assigned to me by someone I respect. Then I view it as a true responsiblity. If it's not, however, I may whine heheh. I am easy to teach, if that means I easily learn, and I like to make people happy.

I do have a mind of my own. Manipulative and stubborn fits me perfectly....^_^;; I do want to be the boss if I don't respect the other(s) enough. If you're not the "Alpha", persey, why should I listen? Yes, I shall be constantly testing limits, and patience.

Delightful and loyal, with tons of spirit? That's me. :-D This analysis is head-on. Wonderful job. ^_^


You possess quite a few prominent traits, and needless to say, there is no one identical to you. You can be uniquely identified by your appearance: Slim, graceful, and of medium height. This slender frame gives you a delicate aura, and most would say you're unusual but beautiful. You are also dexterous and with keen senses. Despite your unique exterior, you can make yourself hard to notice when so desired.

You feel like you must live where water resources are abundant, such as close to a stream, lake, or the ocean. You also love the rain, or anything connected with the water element. Another setting necessity is being somewhere with a lot of open land and space. Dense, noisy forests aren't your thing. Still, you're highly tolerant of changes in your surroundings, so long as the change isn't removing things important to you.

Peak activity time for you is between ten and eleven at night (you're also an early riser). Secretive in nature, your life style remains a mystery. Most people don't know how you act at home, only how you act around them. And similarly, it's hard to distinguish where your mind is at. You like to be on your own and lost in thought, or buried in your work. A quarter of your time is spent on the move or doing something productive.

You're one to take the direct approach when you want something. You're good at surprising your "unsuspecting victims" by coming out of nowhere - either literally or with something said. But when you're surprised to the point of fright, you will run away and hide, rather than facing your fear or standing stock-still. When threatened directly you may "hiss" a bit, but still leave the area eventually.

You have a spread-out and fragmented family, but it's still apparent you're one of their most successful. You are probably the most efficient worker around, thanks partly to your opportunistic nature. It also doesn't hurt that you do your best to have fun with mundane tasks. The attributes you hold allow you to be extremely effective at getting what you're after - twice as often as everyone else. You would consider hearing the most important sense, and primarily acquire information through it, rather than with reading or conversing. Your hearing is so acute that it's as though you can hear what's not being said. You detect in a person's words what they're really saying, no matter how vague the hint.

You prefer small jobs that aren't daunting, and do not generally take on large ones. You stick with what you know you can handle. Bigger rewards, though, are preferred if they can be easily taken. You have a distinct advantage over the competition when the goal is not specifically defined, because unlike some, you are able to work without clearly seeing the end product beforehand. Others would get too overwhelmed or frustrated. For you it's no problem to work without seeing everything come together until the final moments. Nor do you have difficulty grasping and holding onto something, whether it be a concept or a feeling.

You can change gears at full speed - deciding to take a different course of action, or having your thought process move in a completely different direction. You can get an amazing amount accomplished in a short period. One talent is being well-adapted to finding the "needles in the hay stack," and pinpointing important details. While working you are generally calm and take your time with things, always very attentive regarding the task at hand. You are often willing to do tasks for others, as well, and to help out the helpless, but once a body is able to do this on their own, you're not so charitable.

You mostly have to fend for yourself, rather than having others protect and watch over you. Most would say it's easy to "corner" you, and that you're rather susceptible to harm. It can be extremely frustrating when people try to "sell you" as being different from who you really are. In their eyes different may be better, but you're proud of yourself without having to be lied for. People also sometimes blow your small mistakes out of proportion. This isn't fair in more ways than one, because you actually benefit those who are too critical of you. Whether people realize it or not, for your size, you are capable of great things.

If your dæmon is a male serval... some might call your aggressive behavior "ritualistic," for it's always sparked by a particular thing and is usually directed at the same sex. Verbal recriminations can escalate into a full fight, but more often remain a protracted stare-off.

Harlequin / Katie / gray wolf
[Katie's dæmon is no longer a gray wolf]

You have a kind, intriguing aura that makes meeting new people easy. You're highly social and can commonly be found in groups of four to eight -though typically this group consists of family. You may have adopted a solitary lifestyle for some time before pairing up with and establishing your current group. And that social group is a tight one. Chatty, you're always eager to share your anecdotes. You're even curiously talkative right after you wake up, when most people are half dead. You possess a distinct voice, which can be dismal or beautiful, depending on who you ask. You're big on body language and facial expressions to get your mood across, when words aren't necessary. Communication is important to you, and you use this to get friends together, assert your beliefs, and of course just for the pleasure of talking. You're open with your friends, and would like them to tell you all their problems, as you share yours with them. As well as being deep and emotional, you're also a playful spirit that loves tussling.

When it comes to dating, you are only interested in a serious relationship and one day marrying that special someone. You're in search of your life-long mate and look forward to building a family. If you are already in a relationship, you spend a great deal of time together.

You are very respectful toward you parents, and always do your part to help, sharing responsibility with the family. You are well mannered and polite to those you look up to, and willing to submit to that power figure, but are playful and teasing toward those you see as equals. Your circle of friends could be described as a hierarchy of dominant and subordinates that help it to function as an organized unit. The head of your clique (could be you) initiates activity, helps everyone, and takes control in critical times. You often seek to improve your status in the eyes of others, and are ready to assert yourself if the "leader" shows weakness. People sometimes try to humiliate you in front of an audience, but you're prepared to fend off these attacks to maintain your status. When it comes to being around those you *don't* admire, you go after their weak or inferior ideas. You also don't like people copying you, and will threaten those who try.

You will do simpler tasks by yourself, but often set your sights high and go after the biggest thing you can handle. It requires help from friends to efficiently accomplish most of these things. You work at a decent pace, as you aren't one to complain and trudge along. With your stamina, you cover a lot of ground this way. You try to conserve energy by first evaluating a situation, and then acting. Your approaches are always dynamic, but rather than utilizing complex stratagems, you do things the easy way. Tending to locate what you want by chance or intuition, instinct tells you to not let an opportunity get away, but you'll give up the chase if luck's not favoring you. You know how to let go of something if it's just not an option, and are able to go without anything desirable for weeks. Your lifestyle is that of 'feast or famine.'

Few people try to bother you, though you have been persecuted in the past. Whatever awful lies people let circulate, it was just to exact petty vengeance. Maybe part of their problem with you is that you're not above taking something without asking. And once something is yours, you're highly protective of it and hate people getting into your stuff.

You test people. If a person stands and fights, you back off, but you'll go after the easier quarry who defends themselves but then loses confidence. You look for signs that signal the possibility of victory. You're good at identifying weakness in others and may use this to your advantage. (At others times, though, you help friends eliminate these failings in themselves.) You don't risk a confrontation unless desperate, stressed, or it's deemed necessary. Despite an easy-going nature, you are capable of being antagonistic and savage in a fight - but generally such events are avoided with much caution, and you just give people their space. Although hostile toward some groups, you really are among the friendliest people around. But they should be warned that you would bare your teeth when pushed to it.

You're a widely-traveled individual: Stationary and nomadic in turns. You're also highly adaptive when it comes to climate, except you don't do well in damp areas or in constant heat. Spending a lot of time at home in not preferable; you would rather be outdoors, even in harsh weather. But even if out and about so often, you need the means to be secluded when desired. Sometimes people might wonder when you settle down and rest, since you're seen active both day and night.

Optimistic about humanity as a whole, you don't concentrate on what's wrong in the world. When people are being cold, you just ignore it. Life is too short. You symbolize the spirit of wilderness and spark the imagination of others. However people look at you, the truth is you play an important role where you are.

Katie's thoughts

\/\/()vv!o.o. After reading this, every word fits me like a toe sock. All hail Okibi's research ability! Anyways...

Firstly, yes, I do have a group of 6 veeeeeeeeeery close friends, that I would defend to the death. Same with family: if I heard that my brother or sister were being picked on, I would go give that person a HUGE piece of my mind. I am, however, quite social (or try to be); I occasionally branch out and make friends with other people, though they are often unwilling to return that friendship. I find, also, that those most like me in personality make my worst enemies, and I detest being copied. People's first impressions of me are often inaccurate: people (namely my classmates) think of me as aloof, shy, and generally uninteresting. In reality I am a playful, caring, strong, loyal and passionate person who dislikes being pushed over. I am sometimes irrational when I get too enthusiastic about something, but mostly I try to be clear-headed and open minded. Although I am willing to share things, I hate it when people try to take my things or even my place without my permission.

I often find myself hierarchial when it comes to social groups; I know to respect those older than me (like my parents and teachers), but I still often try to be the leader with those who I consider my equals, and usually am. I like to be looked up to, and I do try to be a good leader by making sure everyone is doing what they need to do to get something done. I try to be democratic and let others have their say, but I am often highly opinionated and like to be right. I do, however, have good listening skills and I am open to other ideas (if i wasn't everything would fall apart).

Communication is a big thing for me, and I am very good at reading other's emotions just from their tone of voice and facial expression. That goes the same for me, too- I am big on body language, and I really stink at hiding my feelings or lying, because people can always tell. I like to talk -a lot- and express my opinion about everything at every possible moment. But I do also attempt to be discreet when I feel is necessary. I suppose I have a distinct voice; when I call my friends, they always know its me without me ever having to say my name, and my singing voice differs from a lot of people's. And another thing- I find I do my best thinking at dawn and nighttime, and I find that when I have to get up early for swim practice -groan- I am usually very alert and talkative when others are zombies. ^^

Sadly enough, I don't date yet :(. But that is what I would look for in a relationship, as well as the other being loyal, open, honest and funny.

I find that I can work at something that I eally enjoy and want to do good at for hours on end. But if something is too big for me to tackle on my own, I'll either take it piece by piece and assess the situation carefully, or call on my friends to bring it down, and we all share in the feast. I find that I have good stamina in a lot of things, namely running, working and talking ^.~. I try to only go after and do things worth doing, and if I can see that it isn't working, I give it up and take another, easier approach.

I am generally an easygoing, playful person, but if someone is bugging me I'll lash out and be merciless in my assault. I hate being insulted, although I will take it if it is constructive, and I often don't appear to pose a threat until I get past breaking point and go for the throat. I try to be watchful of other's weaknesses, watching and waiting, and when I get over boiling point I strike and use their own weakness to aid me. I do, however, try to avoid conflict when necessary and attempt to feel sorry for those who bother me, but eventually I'll crack and a deadly (verbal) fight will ensue.

I cannot sit still for long periods of time- I am always on the move, doing something or other that gets m blood pumping and me laughing. I spend my weekends outdoors, snow-fort-building and sleding in the winter, trampoline-bouncing, soccer-playing, running in the summer. The only weather I really hate (and have to deal with a lot, due to my location) is fog- it gets under my skin and makes me chilled to the bone, so I have to move inside and concentrate on other things. I like to travel when possible and I like to be active as much as I can- when my family is still just waking up, I am ready for the day.

I find I try to be optimistic about life in general and live life to the fullest; my motto and favourite quote is Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. I work at everything I love to the best of my ability and I try to inspire others and help them when they let me. I like to think that I have an important role in my social life; I am quitting tennis this summer, after seven years, and my friends said to me when I told them "What are we going to do? Tennis is so BORING without you, Katie!"

Khail / Steph / Grant's gazelle

You're a graceful person, with slender legs and a rather long neck. You can be conspicuous (you're known for your unique behavior and exaggerated gesticulations), or blend in to your background, depending on where you are. You might look strikingly like your relatives.

You're the type to dislike taking chances, and stay where you know you'll be provided for. (People may look at you disdainfully when you're so cautious.) You like staying put, even though you're not restricted to a certain place due to emotional attachment. You're able to separate yourself from a loved one temporarily if you know it's best for them.

Although gregarious most of the time, you do not form lasting relationships. Your affiliation with most groups is temporary; people come and go. Your circle of friends is probably a mixed-sex group of singles. You aren't likely to be found alone, unless you really need the privacy.

While cautious, you are also laid-back, and spend most of your time taking it easy. You're generally sweet in temperament, but people can tell you aren't defenseless. You only get stronger over time. You feel no pressure to "follow the herd," but may instead go in the exact opposite direction. Plus, this limits competition. You know you'd like to work in a field that's not about being the best. You're part of a flexible social system, and will leave if you're not getting anything out if it. Tastes change, people change. Plus, you can tell when sticking with the group is not advantageous.

Your personal projects are relatively long lasting. You treat them like your baby. You're swift in action, and exceptional at overcoming obstacles. You're always paying attention to what's around you to avoid future predicaments. But before starting something, you take your time to memorize what's important before moving on. You take advantage of changes, rather than being beaten by them. But if you know you're heading for a confusing dead end, you don't bother starting. People should be wary about insulting anything of yours or challenging your beliefs, because you will vigorously defend both, and more importantly, you will defend friends and family.

You're persuasive, or at least try to be. Especially when it comes to a crush, you will try to convince them until someone else deters you. But when you know someone's taking an interest in you (and you wish they wouldn't), you quickly make your exit. Even if the topic doesn't involve advertising your heart, you're pretty helpful and willing to give others advice.

As a side note, you go by visual cues, and see your parents as an example of where to take your life.

You were aggressive as a youngster, but as you've grown older, play fights have taken the place of real ones. You're willing to challenge people, though you find a way to warn others, just with your body language, to stay away, which reduces the number of confrontations. You advertise your fortitude and stamina so that people know you're not to be pushed around. Other times you fool people into thinking you're excited about taking them on, which often deters the adversary. It's like you're saying, "Don't waste your time." Luckily for some, you have complete control over your temper, and know when not staying in control will cost you - but sometimes letting yourself get mad is just the best option. You're tolerant of those you don't like if they pose no threat, but it's different for those who have really hurt you. Those people you will try to get back at, however long it takes. You do not forgive and forget. If your attempts to intimidate don't work, you may outright confront them and "clash horns." You do your best to throw the other off-balance by stunning them with your remarks.

If your dæmon is a male gazelle, your arguments can be anything from threatening gestures to intense fighting. But you're not hot-headed. You give them plenty of warning before getting vicious. You're slower to fight than most, but fight harder and longer if you do engage.

You're not bothered by the heat, and prefer open areas. Your diet frequently changes, depending on what sounds good at the time. Only the freshest food will do, as you're a picky eater. If it doesn't look good, you won't touch it.

Steph's thoughts
I will begin by saying that I'm appropriately impressed and intimidated by the accuracy of your analysis x3 Many times I found myself going 'That's so true!' for things I hadn't ever thought of before. You are very accurate about everything from body type to food choice. I suppose it'll be best if I target things paragraph by paragraph, so here goes.

Physically, I am slender and I do in fact get my height from my legs. While I'm not toweringly tall, I am intensely fast and quite fit. If you want me to be immodest, I'm 'elegantly toned', as you described. I do know how to blend into different groups and situations, I can be the one in the outrageous, funky outfit or opt for something less vibrant. I have inherited a direct blend of features that can be traced back to several close relatives, except for my eyes..which are a strange orange color that come from nobody I know.

I enjoy a routine, being in a given place and knowing the people around me, as you said, however, also as you stated, I am always very willing to give other people their space and I am able to leave certain places with emotional attachment fairly easily.

I am a sociable person. Being seventeen I have a large group of friends both male and female, most single and we enjoy spending time together. While we are a flirtatious bunch, there are very few interrelationships. Because I am in the middle of this large social group I am constantly surrounded by friends, unless I seek a private area. So you're correct there on many levels!

You've labeled my personality quite well here, 'cautious, but fairly laid-back.. sweet tempered, but not defenseless.' I am described as a cheerful, sweet tempered girl, but everybody knows I can hold my own in any situation. I always think hard about potential decisions and examine several options, which can be annoying at times, however if a fast decision needs to be made I can rise to the occasion. I follow the herd when it appeals to me. Some trends I enjoy, others I ignore. I'm not afraid to split off, you said, and often start 'new herds' of people interested in the same things.

The one thing here that I haven't seen in myself is the lack of interest in working a field concerned with 'being the best'. At the moment I'm aiming towards journalism, and to succeed you need to shoot for the moon.

The paragraph about personal projects, changes and reaction to insults is so absolutely correct I can't really react to it in words. Every single statement is exactly me. I take chances when I can see some positive outcome, and while I take the occasional risk, I know when things are useless. I do not react well to insults, but especially when they are geared towards friends and family. I'm quick-witted and sharp-tongued when it comes to verbal arguments x3.

I am absolutely persuasive! This next paragraph is very, very accurate. To speak immodestly again, I'm blessed with good looks. This line “But when you know someone's taking an interest in you (and you wish they wouldn't), you quickly make your exit.” Is the summed up version of my personal life. I never lead people on, instead I refuse their advances immediately for specific reasons. My friends do often come to me for advice on romance, trusting me as a 'third party'.

I do go by visual cues, and my parents hold enormous influence over my life. I adore them and take their lessons to heart. I look at their decisions to help me find my own answers and though I'm heading off in a completely different direction career-wise, I'm positive their experience and advice will help along the way.

You're willing to challenge people, though you find a way to warn others, just with your body language, to stay away, which reduces the number of confrontations. HAH! This is hilariously true xD. While I don't resort to physical violence, it is very easy to tell when I want somebody to change a situation or leave me alone. I know how to target people individually in ways people standing nearby don't notice, with body language alone! For this reason I'm often viewed as the 'innocent young lady' ^~ I'll take it! I speak volumes with my eyes and body language, (verbally too, but that's beside the point) and know how to manipulate phrases using them.

In an argument it often is like I'm saying 'don't waste your time.' Often before any conflict begins I can spin the argument into a ridiculous fuss over nothing, and then assert a superiority that surprises people. Because I do all of this subtly, it is often overwhelming enough to send people on their way. I -do- have complete control over my temper! I am tolerant of people I don't like, but wary of them and watch closely. If I am hurt (which takes a lot), it does not go forgiven until it is completely rectified. I'm at my most vicious when I've been 'wounded', so to speak.

Khail is decidedly male. I'm not moved to physical violence, so I will interpret the before last paragraph on a mental note, where it is completely accurate. I am not hot-headed, I strive to be in complete control of negative situations so I can walk away before things get vicious. It takes a lot to get me to fight back, but once I've started it's almost impossible to stop me. (you fight harder and longer if you do engage -- absolutely.)

The fact that you know my eating habits through daemon analysis is hilarious. I adore healthy food, but –only- if it's fresh. I'm very picky, and if I dislike something I'll often leave it. (especially when it's covered in sauces, etc.) This being said, while being contained to healthy limits my appetite does change randomly, given my mood of the moment ^.^

I adore open areas; meadows, rolling hills with the occasionally scattered tree. The openness of the ocean or the beauty of grass growing for miles around undisturbed is breathtaking for me. I am instinctively thrilled to be under a huge sky. On many occasions I have dropped what I was doing and taken off, running for a half hour just to enjoy the feeling of the wind and the cloudy plain above me. Because I go to school in a very urban area, this surprises people. I have been known to go from the heart of a downtown area, where I appear to be perfectly comfortable, to the open country where I release all my stress and excess energy. I am the most comfortable there, although I adapt -very- easily and my personality is very social ;3

I don't mind the heat at all, I despise being cold. In fact, I seem to have more energy when it's hot, instead of becoming lethargic like most people.

In all you have understood me completely and thoroughly. It's as though you've taken a look at an animal and discovered me in every aspect of him from his horns to his tail. How extraordinary. Fantastic Job!

Pandareos / Cat / silver phase red fox
[Cat's dæmon settled as a guinea pig]


Faern / Christine / red fox

You're an intriguing person - skilled and unpredictable - who displays a wide variety of behaviors. You have a slender body set on long, thin legs, and are extremely agile with a lightly built frame. Grace and style are two of your gifts. You're also blessed with excellent eyesight, a keen sense of smell, and acute hearing. It all combines to give you an alert, cunning appearance.

You are one of the most uniquely skilled, ingenious individuals around, and are known for your astuteness. You're crafty and sly, always outwitting people. You've been called bold, cunning, and deceitful - but in fact you are shy, secretive, and nervous by disposition, and appear to be very intelligent. Cleverness, discretion, intuitiveness, creativity, and a quick wit are only some of your fortes, on top of an excellent memory. You are adaptable to any situation or lifestyle, and flip-flop between passive and aggressiveness. Though often clever and witty, you must remember to keep your crafty nature balanced or it could backfire. You're extremely cautious and, like some, capable of learning from experience. You're difficult to corner, because you prepare for the worst and always have back-up plans.

You have both a positive and negative standing with people, often being loved or hated with a passion. But your reputation and appeal have gotten better in recent years. You are sometimes a hassle, but any threat you pose is exaggerated. Plus you more than compensate for your transgressions. Others might say you're needlessly picked on. Yet, in spite of all this, you have survived. In reality, you try to stay in the background for the most part. But you'll step forward and fight for something if it really matters to you. Protective of what's yours, you will fight those that interfere. But you're also a generous person who gives to those who ask.

You lead a solitary lifestyle, not including the presence of your mate and family. Most of the day is spent nestled in your comfy home. You take pride in being able to avoid all the problems of a social creature, although you will occasionally get together with friends. Becoming "nocturnal" also helps you avoid unwanted interactions, though you will venture out in daylight, and are more active when someone's depending on you. You just like getting things done on your own. You may not be as vocal as your relatives, but are still talkative in your own right. You communicate through body language, though your vocal range is quite large. When pushed to it, you will even scream. You can be blunt, often refusing to take back your statements. Cold, cutting remarks will escape your lips when startled, or to warn others that they're not making you happy. You will get nasty if you feel threatened. Still, you're able to do well ending conflicts between others, with your natural sense of diplomacy.

You're known to get the blues, and your bad moods are infectious. But on the other extreme, you are spontaneous and naturally playful. You will, without obvious cause, suddenly behave as if you've taken leave of your senses: racing about in a hyper manner and trying to entice fun. At such times one would say you'll always be a young soul.

If your dæmon is a vixen, you may not be that interested in romance. For either, you'll probably have a relationship with a number of people, but will establish a deep connection with only one. When it comes to children, you would be a devout, patient, solicitous, conscientious, and even playful parent. One with a vixen soul might be hard on kids if they do not listen to orders, but will also be determined that they learn from your example and know how to fend for themselves. One with a dog-fox dæmon would spoil their little ones and play a great deal with them. You're also sure you would do everything to provide comfort to your family.

Quick mental and physical responses to problems are no problem, as you do not need a prompt to be ready. You will sometimes use the "charming" stratagem to attain your end, and are deceitful in that regard. You rely heavily on what you hear, and will use such information to aid yourself also. One should not call you lazy, because you will do more if you can handle more. During the year you have bursts of creativity, inspiration, or productiveness.

You'll eat anything, as you are very versatile when it comes to diet. But your tastes periodically change (i.e., you'll really crave fruits, then not eat them as much the rest of the year).

To be comfortable in and around your home, you avoid extreme heat and dense forests. It's likely your place of residence has been used over a number of generations, and that you will remain in the same area for life.

You have the defined ability to blend in with your surroundings while keeping your intentions private. You know when to stand up and be noticed, but also when to sit back and observe. You're the kind to sit by yourself for a few moments and get the layout of how things are. You can tell the friendly people and happy people from the ones who wouldn't want you anywhere near them. Alert to unpleasant situations or danger, you know when something just "doesn't smell right." (People can't hide anything from you, because nothing escapes your notice.) You slip out of unpleasant situations quietly and unnoticed. When moving in and out you restore order, or cause confusion, depending.

In conclusion, you're a person who does fine under pressure and is swift in action. You have an open mind, and are willing to change if research brings out new information about the subject or situation. You also have the ability to protect yourself from unpleasant and uncomfortable situations or relationships, staying cozy and warm with your own inner strength.

Cat's thoughts

Skilled and unpredictable? Well, I'd say so. As for the wide variety of behaviours, that's a definite. I can be cold and unresponsive one minute, then curious and talkative, then lazy and dull. XD; I don't think I have long legs, but they're thin enough, and the other physical attributes fit as well. Graceful is a word I rarely use to describe myself, but I'm definitely not clumsy. I hardly ever stumble or trip. My senses of smell and hearing are probably my strongest senses. As for eyesight, I wear glasses, so it's obviously not that great. But I'm good at taking things in, spotting small details, and making observations other people look over. I guess that could count.

'Astute' is a word I'd definitely use when describing myself. I'm excellent at outwitting people, and this has given rise to a reputation of deceit. But I am shy and secretive - and intelligent, too. =D Cleverness, discretion, intuitiveness, creativity, a quick wit ... those are all there, but an excellent memory? Well, I'm good at remembering what needs to be remembered, and things I read often stick with me for a long time, but things I hear or things I deem useless are quickly wiped out. I am pretty adaptable, and it's true I alternate between passive and aggressive. I do learn from experience, and try to change tactics so that my plans won't backfire in the future. Even if they do, I often take a pessimistic stance and brace myself for the worst. It does make me difficult to corner.

In the past I have been described as one of those people others either love or hate. Heh. I'm not sure if my reputation is getting better, though. >< It might even have gotten worse - but it can only get better from here, right? ^^; The statement about any threats I pose being exaggerated - definitely true. And needlessly picked on - yes. x__x I do try and stay in the background, usually preferred to observe than to act, but if something really irks me or I feel the need to defend something, sure: I'll step up. I like to protect my possessions, but I do share - most of the time. ;)

I am very solitary. When I'm not at school, most of my day is spent in my home, either by myself or with one or two family members. That comment about taking pride in avoiding the problems of a social creature put a smile on my face, 'cause it's certainly true. It's fairly rare for me to go out with my friends, though I do enjoy it when we do. "Nocturnal"? I love my sleep, but I also do prefer to hold activities at night - for example, I'd rather go out to dinner somewhere or see a movie at 9:00 than ... do something during the day. >> It's also true I'm more likely to do something if someone is really depending on me, but otherwise ... I like to work at my own pace, which sometimes isn't good enough for obsessive parents, but - whatever gets it done.

About being less talkative than my relatives ... yes. In fact, this is often pointed out to me by friends, comparing me to my loud chihuahua-soul twin sister. XD; Even my stepsiblings are more chatty than me. I can be talkative, just ... not that often. Body language is a big factor in my communication, but I'd say my vocal range is fairly large. I'm not a big screamer - when really startled, you're more likely to hear a sort of strangled yelp from me. XD But I do scream ... when pushed to it, yeah. Blunt, yes; very. One of the reasons my friend gave me for why she enjoys my personality so much is because I'm simply "not afraid to offend" (though why that's a good thing I'm not sure XD). If I see that one of my comments has truly hurt a person, I will probably apologize, but I can't think of an instance in which I actually took the statement back. XP I do get nasty when threatened, and people know when they're bothering me because of those "cold, cutting remarks". But - I am good at ending conflicts between people, usually in a way I hope is fair. Friends have pointed this trait out to me before. I believe I do have a natural sense of diplomacy. =)

I do get down once in awhile, and when I'm unhappy people know it. Sometimes I bring them down, too. But I can also be that other extreme - spontaneous and playful. =D At these times I love to entice fun and joke around with some friends. I didn't know this was a fox trait. ^^;

When it comes to kids - well - they're not my favourite, to put it shortly. But even if I'm not all too fond of the little buggers, it's true I'm patient. Patient enough to sit through hours of baby-sitting (though I wouldn't do it for free =P). And, hey, I can be playful with kids. I imagine I'd be even more playful with my own. As for spoiling them ... hmm. 'Course, I don't have any kids of my own now, so at first I didn't think I had any examples for this one, but - everyone who's seen me interacting with my guinea pig has told me I spoil her. XD; I cuddle and play with her as often as I can, and I buy her treats on a whim. (It was the same with my old two pigs.) I want Ty to be as happy and comfortable as possible. I suppose this could be a reflection of how I'll treat my family when I'm older. =3

I do have quick mental and physical responses, and don't need any cues to be ready for an argument or whatever. The "charming" strategem is an old favourite of mine, especially on teachers. Never know when it might come in handy; whether for special privileges or an extra treat every so often. I guess it is pretty deceitful. x__x Still, it's not like I try to betray their trust or anything. I just enjoy those little perks. And I certainly rely a great deal on what I hear. It can be very useful to me. Now, "lazy" ... maybe people shouldn't be calling me that, but plenty of 'em do anyway. Believe it or not, you're not the first one to call me a "failure", Kris. XD; Sometimes I have to be convinced to do a task, and come off as reluctant to work when really I'm just trying to find the gain in it for me. Or they believe I should get right on a task, when I'd much rather put it off for later. But once I get started, it's a safe bet I'll keep working away at it (much like this reply, which has gone on long enough ;.; ). There's only so much I feel I can do at a time, though. I'll take on more if I feel I can handle it, but there's a point where I draw the line or simply stop altogether. And I do have bursts of creativity or inspiration throughout the year. Some days I won't even pick up a pencil to sketch; other days I can't get down my ideas into my sketchbook fast enough.

When it comes to food, I'll try just about anything once. In a stepfamily of four children, I was the only one willing to try a taste of mussels when we were on holiday - and I liked it. As for my tastes changing periodically - very true. My poor stepmother often complains about this. I'll eat the same lunch every day for several months and then abruptly decide I don't like it anymore. XD

Heat is the worst. x__x I can live with extreme cold, but heat just about kills me. (I guessed awhile back that Pocket's dark fur colour might be a factor in this.) Dense forests are okay, and we have a few small forests around here, but I prefer the community park - an open field with a few trees, a stream ... I could happily spend hours there. Sadly, my residence is fairly new. My family hasn't even been in Canada that long - my parents moved over from Wales. Over the years, though, I've grown to love this place and part of me can't even imagine leaving this town. I'd like this place to become one my family will be living in even after I'm gone, even if it's not that realistic. ^^;

I'm an expert at blending in with my surroundings, and I'm really good at keeping my intentions secret, too. I said earlier that I prefer to observe. I like to take stock of the situation before I plunge in. I'm not sure if I'm good at telling apart people who'll like me and people who won't right away, but I can usually tell after a few minutes of observation or conversation. I have a fairly strong intuitive sense when it comes to unpleasant situations and like to remove myself quietly as soon as possible. And people do find it hard to conceal things from me. I've frustrated friends trying to keep things from me before. XD

People have commented on my ability to stay cool 'n calm when I should be stressing. Inwardly I might be a little panicked, but I never let myself show it or even really acknowledge it. I can be very swift in action. And it's true I'm open-minded - I can argue a point fiercely, but if research proves me wrong I'll be the first to admit it. (Strangely I have a weird sense of honour like that.) And I can isolate myself from unpleasant situations very well. Overall, an accurate analysis. =D Cheers!

Christine's thoughts

What you said about the senses, it's all good. I do have really good night vision...except I have really corrective glasses...and smell and hearing and such. I do tend to be "crafty and sly" rather often. Lots of times for no reason I'll randomly lie to people. Don't really know why. And if I'm just sitting in a room and I hear someone coming, my first reaction is to want to bolt to somewhere where I'll be hidden, which I do on occasion. (Seriously, this is mostly just going to be me agreeing with EVERYTHING you say. It's really sort of creepy...) The passive and aggressiveness is a yes as well. I definitely learn from experience. If I do something stupid, or even if someone else does, I make sure not to repeat the same idiocy. And the thing about back-up plans is really dead-on as well. If I'm in a pinch, I always manage to think of lots of ways to get out of it.

So, to continue agreeing with you...I have just a couple good friends. And most of the rest of my class really dislikes me. I hear people talking (yes, what you said about listening to everything is me, too, I'm always eavesdropping on everything) and they don't really care for me one bit. And I've always been picked on...Used to be because I was tiny, not sure why it is now, really.

And staying in the background is my life. I really don't want to draw attention to myself whatsoever. I don't like everyone noticing me. I'm rather solitary. When I was younger, before my dæmon settled, I used to try to gather as many friends as possible and surround myself with people. But it was superficial, really. And now I've pretty much shed all of those. I'm even growing farther apart from my best friend of many years. I'm very devoted to my "mate" (boyfriend) but that's about it. And my family. Well, my mother only.

And about being generous, that's pretty much me. Although I don't talk to a lot of people, so I can't really be generous to them..But I do try. And (whoa, I'm starting every sentence pretty much with "And"..) avoiding social issues: very important to me. However, I will stand up for something if I really feel strongly about it. I only do that when I feel REALLY strongly about it because like I said, I want to remain unnoticed for the most part. I do scream on occasion as well. =P

Bluntness, I believe, is one of my lower points, but it's there. If I'm pushed, I'll snap at people with very cutting remarks, and I can usually say what will hurt them most, sadly. I'm pretty sarcastic, and I think I sort of use that as a defense. I'll burn someone with a cutting sarcastic remark if I'm not in the mood to deal with them. But this sort of thing mostly happens if I'm pushed. Diplomacy...I strive, but I mostly like to stay out of conflicts.

Aieeeee, the mood thing! I do tend to get depressed on occasion. But when I'm with semi-friends (including the former best friend) I tend to be really hyper like you said. I try to get people to be happy and have fun with me ALL the time, especially when they're feeling down. "Racing about in a hyper manner and trying to entice fun" is one of the most perfect descriptions of me in a good mood...I couldn't come up with better myself.

Like I said earlier, I have a few friends, but a really deep connection with just one. I'm not sure how I would be as a parent, though, because I'm just 16.

My mind is always on the ready for new problems. If something arises, I spring into problem-solving mode and I usually think of clever solutions fairly quickly. And the charming thing...I have often been described as "little and cute" so I pretty much know exactly how to use that to my advantage. My bursts of creativity: every once in awhile I get extreme inspiration and I begin to write stories, though they're actually planned out as books. They are truly bursts, though, because the stories never last long.

Heat is my enemy! 70 is nearly too much for me. I like 50 or so. I really can't handle heat at all. (Band camp. 5 days of 95 degree weather marching around outside. The worst memories of my life.) Also, super dense forests aren't my thing. I love the woods, but I tend to feel very threatened and vulnerable when they're too dense.

"The defined ability to blend in with your surroundings while keeping your intentions private." = meeee!!!! I stay on the outskirts of things, remaining unnoticed, but watching, always watching, never disclosing, keeping a calm, not-revealing-anything (I completely blanked on that word...) face on all the time. Sitting by myself: also, meeee!!! At parties/gatherings and such, I sit in a corner or something, unnoticed, just watching everything going on around me. I'm not being sullen, I just don't like to get that involved. I prefer to watch what's going on around me. I always watch out for anything threatening. And I do notice everything.

However, not everything is perfect. I am a pretty lazy person. I suppose that when I need to get something done, I work really hard at it to get it done soon, but with everything else I procrastinate like mad. And I do not eat everything. I used to be the most picky eater ever. Now I try more things, so I definitely eat a lot more than I used to, but I still don't like some of the most basic things (cheese, soda, etc.). The only other thing that doesn't agree is the open mind thing. I tend to react badly to big changes. They kind of freak me out.

I know it might sound like I made all that up just to agree or something, but no. Honestly, it was crazy how completely right about (most) everything you were. Amazing. Your talent is great!