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Dæmon Analysis
Page 5

Contains: Dormouse | Gray fox | Fennec fox | Sea gull | European wildcat

Tarquay / Lydia / dormouse

You're seen as attractive with prominent eyes.  Your appearance has a fairy tale charm, making you easily recognizable.  Basically, you're really cute.

Little is known about your social organization, but being solitary, you're more likely to be in a pair than a small group.  You like to have others around, but you have to have your space as well.  Silent and fast-moving, you're very timid and can become easily distressed.  It seriously hurts your psyche when people don't empathize with your needs.  You're not a difficult person to figure out - secretive though you may be.  This cautious side may be because you're susceptible to harm.  People take advantage of your moments of vulnerability, but usually you're quick enough to avoid whatever they'd do to you.  Not to say everyone's your enemy.  In fact, few trouble you or get on your "bad side."

You're sensitive and can't always digest (figuratively) what others can take.  You're known for being gentle, and overall, you are as kind as you appear.

There are many unusual traits of yours which help you succeed.  For one thing, you're capable of grasping concepts, firmly and easily.  Plus you can get past difficult "barriers" to get at what you need.  Your methods are characteristic and differ from anyone else's.  Also, you like having a back-up plan.  It works.  Production-wise, you crank out twice as much as your peers.  You don't hoard things, either, but use them as you find them.

You're well adapted to your abnormal life and don't believe you could live anywhere else.  You become very used to things, so that if they were gone, you don't know how you would cope.  The natural scenery that suits you best are thick hedges and overgrown gardens, woodland edges or clearings.  At home, your room is rather untidy in its general appearance, even when you're done cleaning it.  Finished products of yours tend to suffer that same fate.  Still, both serve their purpose.  (In contrast, when the place doesn't belong to you, you'll always leave things behind neat and clean.)  Even if living with others, you'd ideally have multiple rooms of your own - each used for a different purpose.

It's rare to see you about during the daytime on weekends.  You emerge from your home at night, so whereas most people are finishing the day's activities, for you it is the reverse: you are beginning your main spell of activity.  You can remain inactive for very long periods, but are most active during warmer weather.  Really.  You're a big sleeper; you've even have received nicknames for it.  But you're not always doing one or the other.  Even when you're still you manage to quiver repeatedly, whether it be a leg shaking or a hand twiddling with a pen.

For male dormice: You're materialistic and protective of your space.  You will fiercely defend your mate against others.

You have a big sweet tooth, but go without for long periods, then later gorge yourself.  (And this "gorging" doesn't necessarily have to deal with food.)

You're a flexible person, and this ties in with your optimistic nature.  Most of the time you're not troubled by little things, but rather, you feel above them.

Lydia's thoughts

I don't know about the attractive with prominent eye thing, I don't exactly go up to people and say 'oo do I have prominent eyes?' but loads of people have recently been saying my eyes are really cool and clear, so maybe... But I do look a lot like other people, as in I keep getting mistaken for others. So it's all a little off, but can be sort me.

Now the social bit is very true, I like to be with people, but have space and solitude, at the same time sometimes. It's all very peculiar. The silent and fast-moving, timid and easily distressed bit is especially true in recent events. Since Tark became this form, actually, upon reflection. And if people not empathising with my needs mean nobody gives a crap what I'm doing, then yeah, that's true too. ^^ I personally don't think I'm easy to figure out, but maybe that's because I'm so secretive. Wait. Does that make sense? It did when I thought it. I'm cautious though. Uber cautious. And I don't really have enemies....just friends forevers. xD

"You're sensitive and can't always digest (figuratively) what others can take. You're known for being gentle, and overall, you are as kind as you appear." Yes. The first half definitely, the other I just hope so.

I think the German lesson on 'werden' (wink wink Mairéad) shows how capable of grasping concepts I am. It was some weirdo thing no one understood, and that I continually got right. I had a method, but it was incredibly bizarre, and I can no longer remember it. Anyway, I'm hoping with all my might I can overcome barriers, because the big up-and-coming one is applying to American Uni's, so if that works out, that'll be true lol. But I do have a back up plan, so that woks too. Only thing here is that I do hoard things. Many things. That I don't need, but have some kind of attachment to.

I do think I could live SOMEwhere else, but not in any other way than I am now. I guess that's kind of the same. And I'm mildly neophobic, which is almost the same as getting very used to things and then them leaving. I <33 greenness outside, especially secluded ones, e.g. clearings. And I mean <333. I am messy at home but care very much about tidiness anywhere else. Very, very much. Obsessively much. Do people not have multiple rooms for different purposes? That must be weird.

I wouldn't say I come out at night, but definitely not morning. ;) And it's more than likely that it's late enough for my parents to have gone out, run a club, gone for a walk, and have had lunch. =) Summer is my favourite season, I need warmth. In fact I was late this very morning because it was too cold to get up and too warm in my bed to not stay there, despite the fact it was too early. ;) No nicknames though, not for sleeping. People don't generally care that much. ^_- Fiddling though, spot on. Can not stop for the life of me.

"For male dormice: You're materialistic and protective of your space." Not especially, but: "You will fiercely defend your mate against others." Got it exactly.

I gorge, oh how I gorge. Only after going without, though (which is called purging....anywho). It's a big old circle. <heart3

Flexible, yup, optimistic, generally, and not being troubled by little things is so me you cannot believe.

Syriel / Richard / gray fox

You are unique among your family members, (i.e. noticeably bigger and more intimidating).  Passive though you may be, you aren't afraid to get tough when necessary.  But you still know which confrontations are best to avoid.  A passive-aggressive temperament is most suitable.  You're not too fierce, but not too timid.

Whatever your appearance, you're an agile person in muscle and mind.  You cover ground quickly, especially when it comes to learning information.  You get through assignments with relative ease; a hard worker who's always prepared.  Typically working alone, you put things off for longer than others, but still get things done.  You take projects step-by-step rather than letting yourself get overwhelmed.  You prefer taking on smaller tasks and getting much accomplished to tackling something large and failing.  All of this work is primarily done in the evening or at night, rather than during the daylight hours.  You also like to expand on the work of others to make it more useful (especially for yourself).  In general, you don't have qualms about things that have already been used.  You're the kind of person who would be happy to rummage through a thrift store.

On that note, your food preferences and hobbies seem to change with what's readily available.  (You'll consume almost anything that can be eaten, after all.)  You're not attached to anything enough to really miss it.  Your reputation as a clever character reflects both your knowledge and resourceful behavior - always seizing an opportunity when you see it.  Your tactics range from being extremely patient to rushing in order to snag your goal.  The means don't matter to you, so long as you get it.  When in search of something, not much can keep you from locating it, and you readily enjoy that which you've earned.

A solitary soul, you're generally by yourself, unless with family.  You have a secretive nature that makes it difficult for someone to know the real you.  One could say you're coarse compared to most, and possess a rather dry, cynical sense of humor.  Some might be offended by your remarks, while others are greatly amused by them.  Others would say you're too critical, and yet others would say your voice is annoying, especially when you're upset and chiding someone. You're quite materialistic, and it's obvious when something belongs to you, because you're sure to make people aware of that fact.

Peers may view you as distant or arrogant, speaking articulately in a soft voice.  You're promptly losing your undesirable reputation, though.  On your behalf, it could be said you seldom get yourself into trouble.

You could deal with a wide variety of surroundings, but areas with a lot of woods would be preferable.  You'd like your home to be hidden - inaccessible to strangers and unwanted company.  If you encounter someone you don't like in public, though, you tend to stealthily move out of sight until they're gone.

If you have a male gray fox dæmon, you don't want to burden people more than necessary, and are always providing for loved ones.  You expect that you'll be a devoted, protective parent when the time comes.

Richard's thoughts

This is very accurate. I'm most definitely unique. In a... unique way. :p

I am verrrry quick. I pride myself in both physical and mental agility. And I am definitely a fast learner. Especially when it comes to strategical things. It's one of the reasons why I always end up beating video games within a week of their purchase. With a couple exceptions, of course. One I still haven't beat. And I grew up playing it. Literally. But, I'm rambling. *makes mental note to go back to the game and try to beat it*

I do try to always be prepared. But that might just be because I've been in scouting almost my whole life. From almost 10 years of my life, to be exact. Well, it's drilled in there now. So it counts! I'm usually a loner. Definitely. And I procrastinate horribly. Just don't eat me about it. :p I try to get done what I know I can, and I go for the biggest thing I'm sure I can get done right away. I hate having to quit in the middle of something. And I hate people who do that. Just haaaaaate them. But anywho, I do enjoy expanding on others' ideas. It's just... fun. Even if there's no plausible use for it.

Hmm... food... I am very picky, and at the same time not. I'll eat anything within boundaries. I won't eat what I don't want to eat, but I'll eat anything that I do. If that makes sense. And if I'm forced to eat what I don't want to if I've wanted to in the past, well, let's just say I'm never eating tacos again. -_-

I consider myself an opportunist, but that's mainly because I can recognize an opportunity better than others. And I always like to take the upper hand when it won't come back to bite me. I mostly believe that it's best to let things run their course, and that if there are no direct threats to me or those I care about, it can be left alone. And if there are direct threats... well, then it's time for immediate action. And I do believe that the end justifies the means, but then again, I also believe that the end MUST justify the means. If you understand my logic. Which you probably won't. :p And the end is something to be enjoyed. Even though sometimes it's more fun getting there.

Oh, I am most definitely secretive and solitary. Most definitely. More than anyone I know. But that's not saying much, seeing as that's not very many people. :p And I am rather the mysterious one, and I affect people differently. I've always found that odd...

*wolfish grin* Oh, you'd know if you've trespassed on what's mine. Might be too late to save yourself, though. But I do think it's pretty obvious, though. And if I make something obvious... well, let's just say violators get severely punished.

:p Even I think I'm distant. And I admit I can be arrogant at times. But I'm fine with it. Though I don't think I can say the same for everyone else.

I try to avoid confrontations, that much is true, but if unavoidable, or if someone just won't take the hint, I can turn nasty.

I enjoy nature very much. It's peaceful.

I vary a lot, but no matter what, I usually always fall back to the same things.

1: I always defend what's mine.

2: I always attack back.

3: I always enjoy a chance to outwit someone.

4: Most of the time strategies I take involve taking ground from the opposition, when it can be applied.

5: I work much better alone, mostly because it's much easier to understand how I think myself than to explain how I think to others.

The only thing I might disagree with is working on things in the later hours. I generally don't bother with time. If it needs to be done, I'll do it regardless of the time. And if I decide to do something, I'll do it then and there. But yes, that's not often. I'm a horrible procrastinator...

All in all, I'd say this is just about right.

Tomai / Kevin / Fennec fox

Small, little, petite, diminutive...  Whatever the adjective, you're just not immense in stature.  Instead you're an attractive little fellow who, like it or not, is often called 'so cute!!'  'Beautiful,' even.  And those prominent, shining eyes add to your distinctive look.  If an individual knew everything about your personality before seeing you, they'd probably say you aren't what they expected.  You're very active, quick, agile, and remarkably strong for your small size.

Despite a cuddly exterior, you can sometimes have a sharp tongue.  When people get pushy with you, it's not unusual for you to get very pushy right back.  Heck, your voice can even turn into a 'high pitched yelp' of sorts.  Aggression shows through mostly when you feel threatened, or that a loved one is being threatened.  And though you sometimes blend into the background, you tend to be more dominating when people let you feel like the superior.  Ego strokes are always welcome.

You really do have an alluring aura that just makes people want to be close to you.  Which is a good thing, considering how sociable you are.  Whether it be a cluster of ten or a few close friends, you like attention and entertainment, and are known for "living in a group."  You're very lively and need an outlet for all that energy.  You make a good (if hyperactive) companion.  Curious, you'll get into anything and everything to humor yourself.  You're also generally unafraid of strangers and friendly towards everyone.  You may bother others, if only because you want to play with them all the time.  Around those you've known your entire life, though, you're more docile.  Seclusion from the world can be nice when you want to rest, and home is the place where you have no enemies.  And on that note, you don't like the heat, so often spend unbearable summer days in the cool recesses of your room.

Though naturally insightful, you can also hear the smallest sigh or softest mumble that a friend thinks they hid from you.  Some other habits of yours are being very clean in terms of hygiene, and unlike most, you can go long periods of time without eating or drinking.  You'd be the last in that group of ten to complain about how thirsty you are.

When it comes to work, you think ahead, and are thus able to change directions completely if needed.  You don't waste anything - caching information away for future use, and seeming to remember everything you've been told.  You can be patient for something until the perfect moment arises.  Always willing to expand on a project or idea to make it better, you can also work so fast and furiously that people would say you became engulfed in your work.

You're a very vocal person, but can also be silent as a mouse, and are known for sneaking up on people.  You rarely get aggressive with anyone, because you're able to cool off when you feel the urge to yell coming on.  You can also get through rough times without sinking into a depression.  Overall, you just have an amiable, positive, 'can do!' attitude.

Kevin's thoughts

I would like to say that people didn't think of me as small, cute and well I don't think anyone's called me beautiful, but I would be lying. I usually am a small little person because I don't like to be aggressive or dangerous. However when someone knows me they know that though I'm not a massive manly person I don't back down from what I believe in. Active, maybe sometimes for quick bursts. Agile, sure on the ice... though I have good balance on my feet, and I'm a lot stronger than most think.

Well my sharp tongue usually is just used for a joking quip at someone, but sometimes when provoked I can let loose and give someone a nice earache. This usually does happen when someone gets too pushy or controlling or egotistical around me. Such as when I feel threatened. I am also defensive of the people around me, and I really do like to do the thinking or planning for them, it's a way I show off to fish for their complements.

Well it's flattering to hear that I have an alluring aura, and I guess it's true, often enough the people I have as friends just show up wanting to see me or talk to me, and I get along with most people. Sociable yes, I like being around friends and family a lot but not when it's for too long or when there are too many people. I wouldn't say I'm hyperactive, that's the one thing that doesn't fit in with me in this analysis. With new friends I can be much more energetic, and with new people I have a lot of questions to ask. With those who I've known for a long time it's different. I feel that I don't have to be as exciting, more like I can be that steady reliable person who though isn't a huge blast to be around all the time, is fun in a different way. I do spend a lot of time on my own in my room drawing, reading and keeping cool. I enjoy it, it gives me time to unwind and think.

Sometimes I do feel like I just 'get' things every so often. And I am very attuned to the emotions of others. I always like to help friends sort things out, my nickname among many is Dr.Phil (shudders)... I like to look spiffy on special occasions, though my hair gets the best of me a lot, and I hate that grungy unclean feeling at the end of the day. I can go long periods without eating and drinking but when I do I eat a lot!

Well my work usually is thorough and well thought out. And I love learning about the little details and pulling them out when no one expects it (just to prove my own intellect usually). Remembering everything ever, no, but that might just be me, I'm usually good at remembering unimportant things, or things that affect me. Other than that it's a blur. I do have a good memory of events in my life though; it makes me who I am, so I remember it. Patience, yup, absolutely it's one of the keys to being happy or else you get stressed. Sometimes when I get interested in what I'm doing, I just zone out, let my ideas take me away. Sometimes I suppose I can become engulfed, and when all is done I am self-conscious of any comments I get.

Vocal, well I always voice opinions and love to chat and amuse. When I'm silent it's usually because I've been offended (I retreat into me), I don't
know enough about the topic, or I am bursting to say something but know I shouldn't because it will offend.  I love to sneak up on people and surprise or scare them, (hehe) especially at night when I can get a yelp out of them. I used to be quite negative. But now I hate those people who are always putting ideas and people down. It gets you nowhere and it's impractical. Depression, only every once and a while, and I usually take time off to think it through and get better quickly. Remember everyone, if someone says you're to small to make a difference then they've never been in a tent with a mosquito. :)

Birn / Pearl / sea gull

Nothing about your appearance immediately sets you apart, but you're still conspicuous and easily identified by your buoyant attitude and loud laugh. You might even be looked upon as a noisy, greedy pest, but among your friends, away from other people, your behavior is much different. Many are familiar with your voice because you're such an outspoken character. You're very sociable and prefer being around others. You're not as crazy about younger children, though, and are only kind to them when they show the proper respect.

Along with goofing off, you can also be plaintive at times. You're able to read people and their gestures. You understand the subtleties of communication.

You're more aggressive than passive, and look bigger when you're ticked off. You're a vigorous defender - one who will clearly (and loudly) state your intent to stand fast. You'll even threaten the person if they go too far.

You like to subsist on easy pickings, and aren't above taking things you want when they're left unattended for an extended time. But this doesn't mean you aren't talented. Rather than being great at a variety of things, your forte is specializing. One thing you have a knack for is finding what you want; you're always on the lookout for something. Also, you're good at working in areas that are different from the norm, possessing surprising ingenuity. If things go wrong early on, you're willing to start over and replace what you lost.

You feel like you have to be near the water, but at the same time, don't like venturing far from land. Once a home is well established, you are faithful to it and reluctant to move elsewhere. You help keep places clean, too, though not for a love of cleaning. When it comes to vittles, you used to be a fussy eater, but now you'll eat almost anything.

As a gull soul, the traits you should take the most pride in are being very caring, useful, trusting, and comical.

Pearl's thoughts

Wow, a homerun. I guess you hear that a lot. It's true that I don't try to stand out appearance-wise, partly because I like to let people judge me based on my personality and partly because I'm average-looking to begin with. But that kind of thing doesn't bother me. I do have a loud laugh, and when I'm excited about saying something I talk loudly too - and my New York accent comes out a little bit. It's also true about the buoyant attitude - I try not to let anything get me down. If something bad happens I'll change it if I can, but if I can't I forget it and move on to cheerful things, because really that's all one can do, eh?

Yeah, people see me as noisy, and sometimes a pest - but I do try to get on everyone's good side when that happens. With friends it's different because I know what they think of me, and I can be a little easier - and I also know exactly when enough is enough for them. I am an outspoken person - I always remark on whatever is going in, and make sure I'm heard. I'm not a bossy or naggy person, though, honest! Heh. I am very social. Like I said, I try to be friendly with everyone, even folks I don't care for. I spend time with my good friends as often as I can, and even feel a little guilty when I haven't spent time with them outside of school for a few days. As for children, I love little babies, but I get annoyed at the slightly older ones who are rude or don't listen to me.

Goofing off comes naturally to me. But I am pretty good at reading people. If I'm very close with someone I can usually tell how they're feeling just by looking at them. And I know when to shut up or to say something kind if a person is in a bad mood - or at least, I try to.

I seem like a passive person to the casual observer, but I am aggressive - except when I can clearly see that I'm in way over my head. I defend myself, my friends and my interests, but I also try to keep a little humor in it as well so that fights don't get too serious. If it does in fact get serious, like if someone "goes too far" as you put it, I try to match it. When I'm sure about something, I'm confident enough to argue for it without hesitation, and physical fighting - if only in the form of casual roughhousing with my friends or my brother - is something I'm pretty good at, and I love to do it. Gets the adrenaline going, y'know?

As for easy pickings? That hits home the most. Some people don't like that I try to take "the easy way out" most of the time - but I like to think of it as a talent! Frankly I should be awarded a medal for being able to get by so well by doing so little. Plus I have a real talent for making excuses and getting people to lend me a few quarters for food, if I do say so myself. Of course, when I owe someone or when I know a task is very important, I never slack. It's important to me that others trust me to get things done when they really need it. That said, if I know that an easy way and a hard way will yield the same result, I will always take the easy way. Hey, why shouldn't I?

I'm not good at too many things, but the few things I can do, I'm among the best of my peers. (You know, it doesn't seem so from the way I talk about myself, but I really am a humble person ... I swear.) What I mean is, you're absolutely right about specializing. I do have a knack for finding things I need, or at least making use of whatever's around. I do work in areas different from the norm. I do comics - not just in my spare time as something amusing to show my friends, but as my life's passion. I'm told my drawing's best quality is that my style is unique, and that it doesn't show influence from established styles as most other cartooning does. I hope that's true ... it gets kind of lonely being the only comics writer I know personally, though. I'm not a great drawer technically yet, but people say. I'm great at thinking up weird ideas and concepts, and that looking at my stranger drawings is like taking a tab of acid. (For serious.) So, yeah .. ingenuity, I guess is what I'm saying. If not in all areas of my life, than just the ones that matter to me.

As for water and land, I didn't think much of that part at first. Then I realized I have only ever lived on islands. Well. And its absolutely true that I don't want to live anywhere else! But then, what sane person WOULD want to leave NYC? I keep clean not because I like to but because I feel guilty if I don't- its not fair to others and I don't want people to know that I'm a slob! And I don't care what it is I eat, so long as it tastes alright.

And hey, the traits you listed are in fact ones I either take pride in or strive to embody.

Brattigan / Kitty / European wildcat

You don't appear graceful at a glance with your cumbersome gait. People perceive you as savage for your size, with a capacity be ferocious, surly, and downright vicious. But you'd like to think of yourself as having "inherent ferocity."

You're generally solitary and avoid mingling with groups, though you're willing to make friends with different kinds of people. You're open to a wide range of cultures. You like to be with one good friend, or hanging out with family. If being followed or pestered, you will quickly find an escape route. You hate when your space is invaded, and make a point not to invade the space of others.

You're one to think ahead - saving for now what you may need later. But on that note you can also be a procrastinator. You get up early and are active during the day, but work on important matters in the evening or nighttime. You enjoy the night and like being on the move when it's dark outside. You're able to adapt to a variety of places - even places most others would avoid. You're not bothered by the cold, but dislike too much snow.

Even if you appear timid, deep down you're not afraid of anybody and will fiercely attack someone who threatens a loved one. (In ways you are *overly* protective.) You're vocal about what you want, and what you're interested in is a long-term relationship.

Kitty's thoughts

I definitely don't look very graceful. I'm rather clumsy in fact, but sometimes when I'm not concentrating I'll do a little movement or something and people will ask if I'm a dancer. I even walk kerlumpedly (as it's been described). "Inherent ferocity"... I agree with that. I know I can be vicious when things get to me, and when this happens I'm not afraid to show it and at times snap at people for no apparent reason.

I don't have many friends but the ones I do have I treasure, I don't make friends easily because of my aloof appearance and indeed I don't mind being alone, even prefer it. I freak out when people walk into my room unannounced or without my consent and I'm pretty respectful of others' things. Also, I hate it if somebody tries to get to know/befriend me when I don't want them to, I take drastic measures to avoid them or push them away (though I usually feel bad afterwards nobody can change my feelings).

I love to plan ahead and rarely spend my money "in case I need it later", preferring to save it for something big. But I DO procrastinate, getting home and relaxing all day then starting my homework at around six, perhaps finishing at nine. I never close my curtains because I like looking out at night and being woken by the sun in the early morning. I never sleep late either, I get up at six or seven even on the weekends, sometimes earlier. It's boring to lie in bed all day.

I love to travel and enjoy going on long overnight car trips. I find it sort of comforting. I also love the feeling of being awake while everyone else is asleep - though I don't necessarily stay up all night expressly for this pleasure. I'm almost instantly comfortable in strange places and can make them my own quite easily. And I don't get cold when others do - last year I went the entire winter without wearing my blazer to school once - and even take pleasure in cooler weather.

I express myself whenever I can and I'm not afraid of sharing my opinions, often being unpleasantly honest. I can be shy (still working on that) but wrong me and incur my WRATH. I'll stand up for a friend or family member at a pinch, although I often express this subtly, making a less-serious joke out of it or people find it kinda creepy.

All in all, that's incredibly disturbingly accurate. Enough to make the dæthiests believe.

Once again, BIG THANKS for spending time on this. Isn't it weird how it works out?? I mean, if I had doubts Brat was a EW they may be considered vanquished. As of now. I mean, that is FREAKY. I don't think I'll be able to get over the shock for a while... it's one thing to read about this stuff but to experience it... whoah.