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Dæmon Analysis
Page 4

Contains: Ring-tailed lemur | Maned wolf | Northern mockingbird | German shepherd | Fossa

Anonymous / ring-tailed lemur

You're mysterious-looking and easy recognizable.  Obviously extroverted, you are always among a group.  You don't mind being around a large number of others, either, because they're just like you: Noisy.  (But socializing only lasts so long.  Far from being a night owl, you're out like a light once it gets late.)  And considering the company you keep, you feel most comfortable in spacious areas.  Your circle of friends and family has a distinct 'hierarchy' that's enforced by frequent, aggressive confrontations.  But that isn't to say you yourself are brutal.  You can be tough, but you are also very sensitive to the thought of death; not just your own, but anyone's.  You can also show an adorable, submissive and affectionate side to your personality.

In areas where others seem blind, you can be very insightful.  You spend most of your time grounded in reality, but are also talented at relaxing and forgetting about your worries.  But people are more likely to find you working than laying around.  You're happy to be out daily looking for things or doing little chores with your companions.  You're very persistent when searching for a specific thing, and will make extensive use of the area to find what you're after.  Being undone is something you can't stand, and if you feel an opponent is swaying a group to the wrong side, you'll often prevent this by spreading your own influence and defending your beliefs.

You prefer caring for one long-term project at a time, rather than dividing your schedule to work on multiple things simultaneously.  You're skillful with your hands, and are very particular and precise about preparing things, whether it be a meal or a class presentation.  And on the mention of foods... your favorite sense is scent, and you frequently indulge in this.

When it comes to your behaviors, you're more territorial and materialistic than your other friends.  You sometimes feel that you're fighting with people for space and things you want.  Some might say you have an awkward way of avoiding danger, because even when scared, you can appear to be enjoying yourself while dealing with the fear.

If your dæmon is a male lemur, you are probably known for the ability to be ruthless and apathetic.  For those with female lemur dæmons, you warmly accept the ideas of others and what they have to offer.  But on the other hand, you dominate those around you, winning all fights or arguments.

Anon's thoughts

I have to say, I'm amazed- I think this fits me really well. I'll work through it logically. Surprisingly enough, to many people I do apparently look mysterious, although I have never really understood why. I'm definitely not a night owl and I get very irritable if I don't get enough sleep, (something which my family always find hilarious) and I love socialising, although I do tend to argue a lot with friends and family. Luckily, I usually win. :) I do, however, have a sweet and squidgy side, and I'm definitely sensitive to the thought of death.

I can be quite insightful (some of my friends have called me 'the oracle' o.0) and I'm usually good at relaxing and not worrying overly about things, even when people around me get worked up; although I can go the other way and get really hyper before something important. I'm usually very persistent if I'm looking for something, or trying to find something out, (or just trying to prove myself right :) and I really hate being wrong. If I think someone else is incorrect, I will argue vehemently for what I believe in.

Unfortunately, it's true that I'm usually working... either proper work, or on little projects I set for myself -like learning how to paint watercolours- and I definitely prefer to concentrate on one project at a time! I'm usually fairly skilful at working with my hands; I paint, draw, and play piano, (although I'm completely useless at design technology) and I get very pernickety about presentation- everything has to be 'just so'. Smell is definitely my favourite sense, probably because all my others are so useless- I'm ridiculously short-sighted and rather deaf as well :)

I do tend to appear very relaxed even when I'm scared, or as if I'm enjoying myself, especially in confrontational situations with other people, and I usually make an effort never to look scared in front of people unless they're really close to me. I can be really materialistic, and I get very attached to little things- if someone breaks an ornament it can upset me even if I didn't like the ornament (or the someone). I just don't like the idea of little sentimental things like that breaking, and my possessions are all important to me.

I am often seen as ruthless or apathetic, which sometimes surprises me, as does the whole "mysterious" thing. It's not really how I see myself, but certainly how lots of other people see me!

Nemith / Brooke / maned wolf
in-depth analysis here
analysis by Cat

You are a solitary individual who only closely associates yourself with your mate. You can occasionally work in a pair, but it's more common to find you by yourself. You're more antisocial than your friends and relatives, which might surprise them. You're wary and shy, but not necessarily afraid of other people; just cautious.

You have a striking appearance and are rare and unique. You rely on communication when your senses fail you. Despite that, you're better at noticing things than a lot of people. You can be quite useful to others, but they're more likely to view you as a hindrance. They also tend to see you as a threat. You're hard to figure out, partly because of your nature as a wandering loner.

In an argument, you prefer to keep your distance rather than lash out. You're highly territorial, but aggressive encounters are uncommon with you. You prefer the company of your mate more than anyone else. You're not particularly a parental figure, but this doesn't mean you have no tolerance for kids; you just don't really get involved with them.

And lastly, you take what you can get - you're a clever opportunist.

Brooke's thoughts

It's true that I'm a solitary individual. I have tons of friends, but whenever I have a boyfriend or someone I love, I tend to be around them much more than anyone else- I have trouble evening out time between the two....

Also true that I commonly work alone. I haaaatteeeee working in groups with a passion, but do recognize when it's time to accept help from a friend. Anymore than two people, however, I just slink away and don't really help at all- if anything, I become more of a hindrance.

I have really social friends and family and everyone thinks I'm social, but I'm really not. I can't go up and talk to random people like they all think I can and do, so the part about it surprising them makes sense.

Also true that I'm relatively wary and shy. I love people in general and I'm no where near afraid of them, I just don't like them very much. That doesn't make much sense, but I can tell that people can be mean and such without realizing it. Also, I'm very careful with who I associate myself with. I don't hang around people I don't approve of.

Haha. Striking appearance. I do. I don't like to brag about it or anything, but people are always telling me that. As for the rare and unique part...Yeah, that's true. Very true. xD I mean, come on, I talk to an invisible dog in my head fer god sakes...xD

Yeah, I'm better at noticing things than most.  Usually I try to see how things are by feeling around with energies or noticing behaviour and such so I /do/ notice things alot of people don't, but when I just can't get what I'm looking for out of that, I'll try to figure it out by asking and talking with various people.

I like to help people. In fact, I love helping people. it makes me feel special, but alot of times people don't come to me for help because they fear the way I'd get something done (I have an odd set of morals...).

I never really saw myself as a wandering loner, but after talking to one of my friends about this analysis, he said that I often kept my thoughts to myself and that I looked to be attached to people, but I really was more of a loner.'s accurate and I didn't realize it. -o.o-;;

Yes, I prefer to avoid aggressive encounters. My boyfriend says he'd rather have me yell and such when I get mad, but I don't. I just get quiet and don't say much and if I do, it's a snappy, smart-assy comment. I'm possessive-especially of the lover. I'm always clinging on him and-whereas I don't visually tell people to stay away from him- I am staking my claim. 'This is /my/ territory!'

Yes, I do prefer my lover to anyone else. I feel bad about that-especially when it comes to my friends-but it's true.

Hahah. Amazingly accurate about kids. Kids love me and I couldn't care less. I don't like them, but I don't dislike them. I haven't decided whether or not I want kids, but I've said on many occasions that I'll watch my friends children, load 'em up on coffee n sugar and send them home. xD

About being a clever opportunist..  This actually reminds me of back when I thought Nemith was settled as a jackal. I do take what I can get. I'm not overly picky and I'll say it- I take the easy way out of alot of things. xD

Overall, the analysis was extremely accurate and I think it's safe to say that Nemith is settled as a maned wolf. *hugs teh Nymmi*

Rhythm / K / Northern mockingbird
[K's dæmon settled as a sable marten]

You're a funny fellow who's known and adored by many.  Vocal prowess is your claim to fame.  You're able to imitate a wide variety of voices and sounds, and your repertoire only increases with age.  You can also recite things you've heard before, thanks in part to an astounding memory.  You tend to retain phrases and repeat them when the mood takes you.  You enjoy dispersing useful information and teaching young ones.  A rich voice is in your possession, and you love using it to communicate your feelings.  But these words don't necessarily have to be spoken; you also like to reflect your feelings in more creative ways, such as in poems or through symbolic expressions.  Moonlight nights especially inspire you to be vocal and share your inner thoughts.  But you'll use visual cues to communicate, too, and sometimes enjoy just sitting back to watch those around you interact.  With a female mockingbird dæmon, you are still exalted for your verbal skills, but are more shy about them, and tend to speak more quietly.

You're in high spirits most of the year, and some may find you a nuisance for your abundance of energy.  But for a sociable person, you are extremely wary.  You're strongly defensive of your space, and may become very aggressive towards someone you see as an intruder.  You're particularly nasty when feeling threatened.  In general, you're a feisty one when defending what's yours.  As is to be expected, you like to attack your opponents verbally and just scare them, but have not been known to actually hurt anyone.  (Though, in truth, you can get so vigorously worked up that people are afraid you might hurt yourself.)  Sometimes just being stressed out can cause you to lash out at others. 

Along with harsh words, you're smart enough to confuse people when you want n' get off scot free.

You have a propensity for eagerly taking in information... and edibles.  You're the kind of person who would annoy a cook by eating all they baked in a heartbeat without taking time to savor it.

You're a sucker for love, and try dearly to impress your heart's desire, not being at all quiet concerning your sentiments.  Along with showing off, it's not rare for you to try painting the world you could share if they'd accept you -- showing them everything that could potentially be theirs.  Such powerful feelings make you increasingly exuberant.  It's true that you like having your space, (separating to establish your own distinct life), but a wonderful relationship is something you wouldn't turn down.

When working or on the move you're a lot less talkative.  Hardly make a sound, even.  But your unique characteristics don't get lost in the haste, because it's clear when a work is yours alone.

As a final note, you're a charming soul who asks nothing of anyone else, and give only what you're willing to give.

K's thoughts
Wowzers, you're really good at this, ent ya?

Now, how to go about this? I love to imitate, which some people find annoying at times, but hey. I have great control over my voice, and can come up with some extremely convincing mimics. Not only with my voice, but whistling too. Bird calls and the like. I also play a variety of instruments, mainly the flute, but also the tenor saxophone, piano, and harp. My music teachers call me 'musically attuned' because I can play a song myself, get it wrong, listen to them play it right, and then get it perfect every time after that. I'm best at songs I've heard before.

As for reciting things, I am rather proud of being able to hear a song twice and sing every word the next time I hear it. I remember things best when they have a sound or beat, so to memorize notes I usually put them in a poetic format. It makes things go much easier. I also memorize random poems that I only hear once or twice and repeat them at random times when the mood takes me. Never the whole poem, though, just a stanza or thought. My friends think it's weird. I tend to read out loud to myself when it comes to poetry so that I can hear it.

I like to collect random tidbits of useful information and pop up with them every now and then. My mom says I have a 'storyteller's voice', with a lot of depth and variation, and I do love to talk. I write poetry when a certain mood takes me. Weird poetry. Free verse. >.<

That thing with moonlit nights reminded me of a time when I went to a camp out sleepover in a friend's backyard. It was a full moon, and we sat out on the trampoline (which has no net to obscure the view) and talked for hours and hours until I realized that I was increasingly the only one talking and my friends were beginning to fall asleep. ^^; I have my bed set up in my room so that the moon shines on it at night. I love it.

Most of my visual communication is with delicate changes in expression. Sometimes I use my hands, too.

I annoy several people in my class... and I don't really blame them. I do wear a rather large pirate hat on a daily basis. And run around declaring that I'm a pirate. Arrr.

I can get really ticked off when people mess with what's mine. I do nothing to hide it, and I usually give the offending person a proverbial smackdown with my tongue. My problem there is discretion. I've gotten myself into quite a few tight scrapes with that. My relationship with my nine-year-old brother is odd. I get pissed when he lets his friends beat him up when they're play fighting, because he's a gentle soul and doesn't get as rough and rowdy as them. But I'll threaten him all over the place if he messes with me. One day he's gonna figure out that I can never follow up on said threats.

When I'm stressed out nobody can get near me. It bothers people, and I usually regret things later.

I've talked myself out of twice as many scrapes as I've talked myself into. 'Nuff said.

I read like crazy, both fiction and non. I especially love history, although I usually have strong issues with history -teachers-. I just like to know things. Never know when it's gonna be useful.

Oh boy, food. Spot on, my friend, spot on. I once had an aunt that lived with us for a year while her husband was deployed. El oriental chef-o supreme-o. We died when she left because my mom can't cook anything better than hamburger helper. Whenever she was cooking I used to waft into the kitchen and peer over her shoulder to see what she was up to. She'd always give me a look that said, 'Back away, Beast!' and say
something like, 'It'll be ready when it's ready.' She guarded her food from me like I was some sort of fiend. Heh.

No, exposed! *hides from the light* Yes, I am a sucker when it comes to things like that. (Ry:coughhelplessromanticcough) My friends joke that I'm at my best when I'm swooning. Even though I like romantic stuff, the kind of relationship I want is a steady one where I'm free to do my things and not have him constantly hanging around and calling me every single night.

I do tend to introvert when I'm working on something, which can go against me in a group work situation. I concentrate intensely and it can be hard for people to catch my attention.

All in all, that was an excellent analysis. I thank you. I guess this means we're really settled!

Ryusan / Casandra / German shepherd

Strong, agile, and well muscled, you are alert and full of life.  You give the impression, both at rest and in motion, of muscular fitness and nimbleness without any look of clumsiness or soft living.  (Interesting fact since you were a rather clumsy, awkward teenager.)  There's depth and solidity about you without bulkiness.  One looks at you and thinks ruggedness (for you love to run and explore) combined with dignity, power, liveliness, and elegance.

Your aura cries of intensity, intelligence, and composure.  You're stamped with a look of quality and nobility - difficult to define, but unmistakable when present.  You give a definite impression of masculinity or femininity, respectively.  Your distinct personality is marked by direct and fearless, but not hostile, expression, self-confidence, and a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.  Though you are approachable - quietly standing your ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet approaches without making them yourself.  Still, some find you quite intimidating.  You do not wear your heart on your sleeve, but are sociable and outgoing at the same time.  Strangers are regarded with some suspicion, but you are neither overly sharp and aggressive, nor cringe with discomfort.  You're poised, and when the occasion demands, eager and alert; both fit and willing to serve to your capacity as a friend and companion.

Yes, at first glance your disposition may seem harsh, but there's a lot more beneath that.  People would consider it to be a fault if you were too soft.  You make an excellent friend, but when in an unstable mood, you can be a disaster waiting to happen.  Unless provoked, you are completely good natured.  The combative instinct and hardness is within you, though.

You're very sociable and need attention and companionship.  And while you sometimes pick one person as your "special person," you can relate well to all members of the household.  Still, there's always that one individual you feel you've bonded to for life.

If raised with younger children, you've grown tolerant of their idiosyncrasies and pestering.  You love your own children or siblings, but may be suspicious of others.

You are the essence of the worker/companion.  You're keenly intelligent and enjoy working, believing that you need work to realize your full potential.  Add this with such wonderful adaptability and physical prowess, you are respected, admired, and utilized in many situations.  Even relaxed, you cover a great deal of ground with almost no effort, and accomplish this by maintaining mental strength and rectitude.  You hold firm to your ways.  Plus you are capable of prolonged labor.  You're distinguished for your loyalty, problem solving skills, courage, and ability to retain important teachings.  It also helps that you have a responsive, solid temperament and consistent behavior.  But one of your most important jobs is that as a protector of your loved ones.

You are well balanced, with a harmonious relationship between your past and intended future.  You are strong in body, mind, and spirit.

Above all, you're a popular person who's acclaimed for your versatility, renowned for your intelligence, and beloved for your devotion and loyalty.

Cassandra's thoughts

It's true I am full of life and am alert. When I am with my friends I am very talkative and active. I also just love to do stuff for no good reason. But no matter what I'm doing I am very alert. I don't like to miss anything or be caught unawares. When I am caught unaware I just scold myself, and then become even more alert. As for being strong, agile, and well muscled I wouldn't be able to tell you much. I am not muscular and I don't know how strong I am because I have no idea what strong really is. I am stronger than most of my friends though. Agile doesn't actually describe me at the moment either. I also don't spend much attention to what impression I give off and no ones ever told me.

I am difficult to define for a few but people will automatically recognize me when they see me. I can seem very feminine at times, personality and look wise. When greeting people I tend to be suspicious but won't show it and will greet people with confidence, standing my ground. Friendships might not be forged quickly, but I never drag something out. They either are my friend or they aren't. I have not known anyone to be intimidated by me but I am usually so friendly there is no reason to be intimidated. I do usually keep things to myself but will easily share what I'm feeling or thinking to my two very close friends. I usually avoid strangers not trusting them but I am never mean or aggressive, as you put it, to them. The one thing I'm sure of is that I am definitely a good friend and companion.

I agree I am good natured and that I will turn nasty when provoked. I suppose I seem harsh because I sometimes am harsh. When I'm not feeling good or am just not felling like myself I tend to get very moody and will snap at people and say things I actually don't mean.

I love being around people and having a lot of attention. Of course when a group gets to big I usually just sit back and watch. But I would rather be with at least one person than be alone. I go insane when I'm alone too long. Out of all my friends I admit I have my "special person", same goes for my family. I still feel close to the others but I can just talk easier and feel more relaxed around my "special person".

Just like all dogs are different I am too. I like kids but only if they are well behaved and don't pester me much. I have grown tolerant of kids and their craziness but they still get on my nerves after a while. I do love my siblings but they are the reason I have such a short temper at times. I am not very suspicious of other kids but that varies depending on the age. As for my kids, if I ever have any, I will definitely love them to death and be very patient.

I enjoy working but only if the work I am doing is fun. When doing something I usually stick to it until it is done perfectly. I especially work well when relaxed because it's easier to think when I am relaxed. I am a good learner and love solving problems. I also will stick to the way I was taught. If someone told me I had to do this when my way was just as good, I would still do my way. Of course my most important job is the protection of my loved ones!!! Without them I would be lost.

I might be a daydreamer but I know what is real and what is not. I can't plan a future without a past. I understand that what mistakes I made in the past are going to affect my future.

I definitely agree with a lot of things you have down but as you see not all of it matches me. But who knows, maybe as I grow older more of these traits will show themselves. I would have to say a 98 out of 100% I agree on.

Veil / Sil / fossa
[Sil's dæmon settled as a Grevy's zebra]

Your life-style and activities are largely a mystery.  People always assume you're an introvert since they rarely see you, but in truth you're out of the house quite often - it's just that you like being alone.  Most people aren't drawn to you, and you're fine with that.  In appearance you are sleek, slender, and muscular, and you are amazingly agile.  When hyper you tend to jump from one thing to the next, but overall you have a balanced nature.

You're the subject of scrutiny for being known as odd, atypical, weird and probably the least known of your friends.  This is in part due to your fantastic ability to conceal yourself.  Also, you're laconic; words come from your mouth in small quantities.

Mostly, though, you're notorious for having the tenacity of a mongoose.  You're docile except when excited, but a low, guttural growl can quickly develop into dagger-like words that make you a formidable, even fearsome, opponent.  You simply explode.  Ferocious and vicious have been used more than once to describe you.  Though able to strike fear into the more simple-minded, you aren't quite as dangerous as your reputation would suggest; or should I say, as your cocky temperament would suggest.

On a quick romantic note, you have an extremely unusual way of courting someone, but it works.

You were a "late bloomer" as a youngster, always needing more time and assistance than others, but now that you're older, you would consider yourself to be "the top of the food chain."  Nowadays you have no problem getting ahead of the competition. You can cover a lot of ground in 24 hours, devouring information as though it were your favorite meal.  Plus, you're proud to say you can outwit somebody before they know what hit them.  You can also tackle jobs one wouldn't think you're qualified for, though it's true that you feel specialized for certain tasks.  And despite all of your smarts, you will cooperate with another when you know it's necessary.

It's doubtful that you'll ever come across another person like you.  You're an enigmatic and fascinating individual.

Sil's thoughts

People do tend to assume I'm an introvert, when really I can be quite extroverted. I love getting out of the house, and doing things by myself. People don't really see me as standing out, usually, but I have to say that they do tend to draw to me. XD Sleek, slender, and muscular is what most people call me, and that's what I am. I'm very agile, and I love proving it when hiking. I'll jump from rock to rock, or from one narrow point to another. The bit about being hyper is all too true for me. I'm literally bouncing off the couch when filled with energy, but most of the time I'm relaxed and "at center".

If I had a quarter for every time someone called me weird... I get called "weird" and "odd" a lot. People know who I am, but out of my friends, I think I'm the one that people know the least about. They take outside appearance, and just judge by that. I do use a small quantity of words, but I use them all too often. I love to talk, but I don't like making big speeches. A sentence or two at a time is fine for me.

Exploding is a great way to describe my temperament. I go from calm to outraged and angry in 1 second flat. I don't fight with my body, but with words, as many have seen me do. People are always calling me vicious, on and off the sports court. Overall though, people tend to think I'm this "big scary tough" person, when in reality I just like to relax. I hate fighting with people, unless it is in a sport, on the court. I can get really aggressive there, but out of areas where I'm not trained to be like a mongoose, I'm lazy. Everyone knows I'm cocky as anything, for all the facts I'm quite a tiny person.

My ways of attracting people are odd. But from what I've seen so far, they have worked, so I keep doing it! It doesn't hurt. :D

Late bloomer... I still don't know how to use a glue stick without getting it all over myself. Top of the food chain... I hate to admit that I do consider myself "in charge" of my friends, and indeed, of groups, when I have to work with them. Competition? I have no competition. *cocky grin* I eat the competition. And information isn't a meal? Damn, no wonder I'm so sleek. *laughs* I can tackle jobs that no one thought I would, though I don't do it happily. But I do it, in the end. Cooperation may not be my main thing, but I know I have to do it. I'm smart enough... And I know I outwit them.

'It's doubtful that you'll ever come across another person like you. You're an enigmatic and fascinating individual.'

That I am, that I am. I've never met anyone like me.