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Dæmon Analysis
Page 3

Contains: Raven | Binturong | Azure-winged magpie | Dragon | Tibetan mastiff

Darkett / Raven / raven
Revised analaysis here

You are quite noticeable among a sparse crowd. Well, it depends on the surroundings, really. Let's just say that you don't -always- blend into the background. (Your mischief streak and dark sense of humor make sure of that.) And yet despite this, and all the ways of distinguishing, you are often confused with close relatives, or told of the similarities you share.

‘Ingenious' and ‘versatile' are two words to describe you. Known for your intelligence, you are capable of learning innovative solutions to newly encountered problems. But you only approach these problems (or most any situation) once it's been proven safe, and there's no danger to yourself.

You have a wide repertoire of feelings and means of expressing them, and these means seem to change depending on where you're located. Your thoughts and speech are complex and varied. And as a very vocal person, you like to share what you know, and usually bring up things that happened in the past. You're also not repetitive. What you say will differ, even if on the same subject matter. (I don't mean your opinions change; just the way you word things.) You want to stay interesting, and this is achieved through the fact that you'll learn about almost anything that comes your way.

You are more solitary than you appear. Large groups may be formed when you all have a common goal in mind, but normally you stick with a loose assortment of friends during the day. Most people are not sure as to how or when you made all of your close companions. It's almost as if they just appeared into your life one afternoon.

You prefer resting in very sheltered places, secluded from others. But when active, you enjoy more open spaces and the outdoors. You're able to feel at home in a lot of different places. In familiar surroundings you are friendly and unsuspicious. When on your own, though, or in “enemy territory,” you're wary and secretive.

Every bit as alert as you need to be, you possess keen eyesight and hearing. It's through this ample eyesight that you perceive your environment, and you trust it more than words or scents. You learn best through your senses, too, rather than by memorizing words (although you're good at that, too). Curiosity is aroused the strongest in you by sounds. A song being blasted will surely lure you to wherever it's coming from. Oh, and as a sort of sixth sense, you're good at sensing the emotional strength or natural authority in others.

You take things that people discard and put them to good use. (Come on. This is a raven soul we're talking about here. You're a human scavenger, minus the carrion.) Also, a very opportunistic individual, you'll accept whatever from whomever, whether it be edibles or objects. You're not picky.

Considered among the most intelligent of your classmates, you are strong mentally, and able to rise above the competition. Sometimes you can be seen showing off along the way, or testing your limits. And though good at concentrating on something for long periods of time when you must, you don't like taking on extensive projects. You can succeed and get somewhere even in tough conditions. “Soar to great heights” is what you've been known to do, when the feat requires high intelligence. You move quickly with seemingly little effort.

Even if you don't always need help, you can work with friends as a well-trained team. While collaborating, the scene that unfolds is quite inventive. You don't always set up strategies, or go about completing a task, the same way. But in truth, you lot are usually working -against- others (those outside your group), and not for the good of everyone.

When it comes to something you need, you can be ruthless. Mercy is not consistently your main priority. And when you need the aid of someone who's not a close friend, you'll locate and irritate until they want to hit you. XD They don't understand that you're trying to help the both of you... or maybe not. Once they've given their assistance, you "run them off." But, hey, you're a trickster by nature.

You delight in tormenting those who have tormented you in the past, and they can expect be distracted with frequent, harsh words. You'll show physical displays of threat when needlessly bothered, and eventually chase the annoyances away. You may engage in a fight if people keep "intruding." Many seem to be hard on you, but you're rarely seen being picked on. Part of the reason might be that you have habits which others look down on, and are persecuted for damage done accidentally.

People are surprised to witness you trying to comfort those in need, like a crying child. (As I said before, your emotions are complex. People just don't always take the time to notice.) You can recognize the emotional needs of friends and family and react accordingly. You will also successfully defend whom you choose.

You will assist others in their work by running back and forth, and doing what you can, but not sit there the whole time and talk them through it -- even if you're a talker. You help others if it helps you, and if that's the case, you take the project on with much enthusiasm. You inform others about what they want to know, and work well as a messenger.

You've long evoked strong emotions in others, and they allow you to carry important roles. It's clear that you are held in high regard by some, but you sometimes disobey those in more important roles. Among other groups you have a less than savory image, and are seen as a minor nuisance. 

You expect that once you are paired with someone you truly love, you will be so for life. And any dullness that you are ashamed of is disappearing as the years go on. You're an amazing and interesting person. Society does not leave impressions on you easily. You are your own, wild spirit, and are settling into who you want to be. But effort shouldn't be wasted in asking you about this ‘true self.' As Edgar Allan Poe once said, you are not willing to divulge your secrets to us.

Raven's thoughts

Okibi, I am eternally in awe of your intuitiveness and research ability. This is exactly me, to the last detail. Now, to start with the reply:

I'm very noticeable. I'm the quiet girl in the corner wearing odd clothes who is seen by all, spoken of by several, and known by few. I'm mischievous when I feel like it, and my sense of humour is twisted and dark. Mwaha. (What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a Ferrari?) I'm also often told I look exactly like my mother. Hair, eyes, and freckles, don'cha know.

I do have a talent for adapting to the situation. Usually, it's just a step from one way of thinking to another; when I think "Well, what if I do it this way instead...". If there's the tiniest, smallest risk that could, however, be harmful to me if it happens, I won't undertake anything related to it. I study needlessly for hours just to be completely sure I won't get anything wrong; see, I'm also a horrible perfectionist.

My feelings vary as easily as weather at sea, and I've often found that changing scenery can help; whether it's going into a different room or walking to the park. I express them though song, poetry, stories, art, dance, speech, and screaming at everyone in sight. I would agree that I have a complex way of speech, for all my big thesaurus words and complicated syntax. My thoughts often contradict themselves--even more so with Darkett in the mix! For examples, I often bring up past experiences. In fact, I've done it several times in the reply itself! I often reiterate myself when talking; one of the things I hate most is to be misunderstood. I love to share my knowledge, whether it's needed or not; adding my opinions and past experiences to the conversation is very satisfying to me.

I am solitary. I have a dozen-odd close friends, but I'm rarely with more than three of them at once. During school recesses, I wander between conversations haphazardly. And as a matter of fact, a lot of my friends did just wander into my life one afternoon. Someone I randomly talk to can develop into a close friend instantly; it's happened several times before!

As for sheltered spaces and open spaces, I spend hours alone in my room, rudely turning away anyone who knocks on my door. Yet I hate indoor sports; if I choose to be active I'll go for a bike ride or play tennis. I also love to visit my cottage in the summer; nothing but forest, sand, surf, and sky! Yes, I can feel at home in a lot of different places; when our family went out East this summer I adapted quickly and grew to love it well. And I'm very wary when on my own, especially in the city. Even though I've lived in Nanaimo for seven years and am pretty familiar with it, I'm still paranoid and overcautious when downtown by myself!

I have always relied on my eyesight the most. "Seeing is believing" rings especially true for me; I won't believe anything until my two eyes have seen it first! For the memorizing thing, here's my best example: in Drama, I usually read through my script a few times, but then absorb the lines by listening to the actors say them rather than learning from the book. I just find it easier. Sounds, though, pique my curiosity. The flash of a darting rabbit won't interest me, but if the bushes rustle it has my full attention. I can sense the emotional strength of someone, in the form of "How far I should tease before it really gets offending" or "I don't think I should talk back to said person; he seems like he would take it the wrong way."

*nods* Aye, I'm a scavenger at heart. If my brothers haven't finished whatever they're eating, whether it be chicken or ice cream cake, I'm quick to snatch it up. I'll save anything I like the look of. I pick shiny things off the street; I cut out random words from the newspaper that sound nice. My family doesn't throw out the ribbons at Christmas; they give them to me.

Modesty aside, I'm very intelligent. And I admit that I do show off my knowledge often. *sheepish* I concentrate on things that interest me, but I don't have the attention span to do long projects. It has to be able to be accomplished quickly if I'm going to do it. Yes; I try to succeed even when the task is hard or unenjoyable, and though I don't think I'll do well, I usually pass everyone else! As for "seemingly little effort", I agree; people think I can work easily, but it takes just as much effort - or more - than they use.

I'm not the type to sit down and make a team plan. I'm just, "Could we do this? All right, let's get to work." We all do what we feel like, and creatively fit it together somehow.

When I need something, I have only me in mind. If someone loses out on something and I end up gaining from it, my sympathy is gone. I'm ruthless if I need help. I go up to my mom and say, "We're going to the mall. I need new clothes," and make up an unbreakable defense. 

I admit it... it is fun. I've had much taunting experience, so I'm harsh, direct, and cruel in my attacks. I'm strong enough to have kicked several asses in my day (^^;), but usually resort to showing off to scare others away; I don't like violence. Sometimes I get in trouble when it was really just an accident; no one understands my side of things.

Most people are surprised to see my caring side. I'm not too good at comforting people-I can never find the right words to say-but I can tell when they need it. And yes, If I believe strongly enough in something, I'll defend it at all costs.

If there's one thing I could never be, it's a kindergarten teacher. ^^ I don't have the patience to talk someone through a task. I tell them something that will help, and go back to what I was doing before until they ask me for another "hint," as it were. I leave lots of clues, and let people work things out on their own.

There are some who hold me in high regard, and they let me have responsibilities that others normally wouldn't. I'm going to bring up Drama again, where the "important role" is literal; the director was very impressed by my abilities and gave me the chief role for two plays out of three! Sometimes I get arrogant, though, and don't pay attention to others. My special treatment, as it were, can annoy others who resent my success.

I do expect to be paired for life, and am thus disappointed when I fall out with the person I love. I'm not easily impressed; I like to choose my own viewpoint, not the one of the majority. For the "true self," I'm not even really sure who that is. But I'll know when I find her, and not worry about it in the meantime.

Roakr / R'saee / binturong

You are a passive-aggressive and sensitive individual.  People view you as slow-moving and relatively inoffensive, but you also possess great depth and strength, even if you appear ordinary.  There is a brightness about your way of thinking, even though you sometimes think a little upside-down.  You can be interesting and unusual, but some automatically call you "rough around the edges" or close-minded.  On the opposite hand, you are very playful, and become wildly affectionate when happy.  You love to explore, and get into everything.  Nothing keeps you from what you want.

You're not suitable as a house companion due to poor manners.  These habits aren't repulsive, but overwhelming after a time.

Countenances doesn't usually give away your emotions-- it's more your body language.  You can become very moody at times, and might begin to threaten those who pester you.  The possibility is there of you getting extremely infuriated, but your anger not always aimed at a specific person.  When you're mad, you're mad, and everyone would do best to leave you alone.  This behavior is not especially common, though.  You're more often belligerent towards people you know personally rather than strangers, or when you're not feeling physically well.

Intelligent and easily taught, your memory is excellent.  You effortlessly grasp a new concept, or at least you cling tightly to what you can grasp.  You wrap your mind around something until you comprehend it.  This ability aids you like a third hand, (though sometimes you might search the edges of an idea without ever 'touching the ground').  You pick up an amazing array of abilities from example, and learn new things as you move along, and cover ground fast.  Skilled at getting where you want to go, your general movements are slow and deliberate, but you can move rapidly through tasks when necessary.  You get it done, whether or not the finished product is perfect.  You flourish best when aided by others, but even on your own you prevail in unsteady situations, even if what you're after isn't easy to get a hold of.  When searching for something, you're suspended in the moment until it's found.

You are active mainly at night.  During the day you take it easy and bask in the presence of whatever satisfies you.  Balance between work and play is mandatory.  You're good at not exhausting yourself mentally or physically.  And when working singly, you unconsciously make noises, such as "Huh," "Hmm," "Ah," etc.  You also instinctively assist others, and are able to 'read' people.  You comfortably share with friends, and wish to heal the emotional wounds afflicting them once they're noticed.  You yourself are not easily scarred.  'Resilient' describes you.

You do things that are "dangerous" without being bothered at all.  No matter how impossible it seems, you can do it.  But when you are frightened, you let it be known, and don't snap out of that state quickly.

You feel safest when observing people from a distance.  And though you're not actively aggressive, you can become this way if you feel cornered, or that someone's trying to force you into something against your will.  (You are impossible to subdue when you don't wish to cooperate.)  If you get truly mad, you can get verbally harsh.  And if someone has angered you, they can expect you to slyly go about acting your revenge.  But normally when challenged by someone, you just show your distaste without yelling.  Your anger is controlled, and you are commonly gentle when in contact with others-- but if others push you too far, you "slam your foot down."

It should also be mentioned that you're quite effective when angry.  You undermine whom you chose in a single blow, and without much difficulty.  You have no problems holding firm on a belief and protecting it.

Though somewhat solitary, you enjoy company, and are occasionally seen in groups.  You tend to remain interactive with dear friends, and are especially happy when left in a large, non-competitive group of people, (particularly if you've known everyone for a long time).  Rarely do you feel like the "dominant" one in a cluster of people, but this doesn't bother you.  You're playful and attentive to those you like (and you favorite kind of play is the rough kind.)  As long as there are others for company, you don't much mind a change of scenery, but are unduly stressed by the presence of complete strangers.  When happy, you are loud and make chuckling noises to show your delight at something.  A cheerful crowd is welcomed because you like having a lot going on around you, rather than a vast, overly peaceful space.  Still, you feel and act awkward in places you'd rather not be.

You're content to live with your sweetheart, and the two of you desire to be near each other most of the time.  You tend to be the passive one in a relationship, especially if your mate is assertive and confident.  (You express sorrow and compassion for those who have to put up with your mate when they're in a bad mood.  They can be rough.)  You are very protective of that person and all of your loved ones.  Also, you're extremely comfortable with sexual humor, even in a public forum.  That sort of topic doesn't make you shy.

You like others to be aware of what you've done and where you've been.  Your trademark is your personality, which has, overall, not gone through any drastic changes.  You are very eager to please close family or friends.  One of a kind is what you are; distinctive and happy-go-lucky.  People do not often "get you" right away, but you leave an impression on everyone you come into contact with.

R'saee's thoughts

Yes I am passive-aggressive, and I can be sensitive if I think it's the right time. I would say I look somewhat ordinary, and most people think the way I think about things is odd, although it makes sense to me. I'd like to think I'm interesting, and some have called me unusual. I have never been close-minded . Yes, I like to be affectionate when I'm happy, especially to the people who helped (i.e. did something) to make me happy. Yeah I wouldn't call myself nosey, but I am curious, and if interested enough I can be relentless. 

I'll admit I'm not the neatest person in the world. 

I'm not sure, I've tried to use body language to show people that I'm angry or whatever but nobody really seems to pick up on that. Maybe it's them? Yeah I'm a moody gal. Well who wants to be bothered when they're upset right? Yeah that's dead on, when I'm angry, that's it, I'll be angry till it wears off and I never know when that will be. And I guess it's not a good thing but I do take it out on whoever's around me. However I would not yell at friends, for some reason I take it out on close family members. Crazy, I was just thinking about I do that yesterday..

Actually I am constantly forgetting the smallest things. I guess you could say I have an excellent memory for things I am interested in, and only those things. Yes I like to explore every concept of a new idea, so I know it inside and out. Example is what I learn best from. I'm only really fast at doing something when I know have to be. Yes I'd rather get it done on time and have it less than perfect, than nothing at all. Help does make things easier , but i know i can do it alone. Even i it might take a little longer. Yes! When i want something, its all i can think about until I've got it. 

I love the night, I actually feel more energized at nighttime than any other. Yeah I take it slow in the day. I'm not sure if I make noises , but when I get really involved in something I do forget other people are around and I might hum songs or laugh at something in my head. Yes I'm actually kind of proud of being able to read people so well. No, if I have 'emotional wounds' I tend to keep quiet about them. I don't like being affected by things and kind of try and... suppress them? Resilient could describe me, it helps that I'm determined to not be scarred by anything other than my own actions. 

It's not that I'm not bothered by it, it's that I love the tension and feelings of doing something dangerous. I only get frightened by things I can't control (i.e. murder, people I love dying).

I try not to be too aggressive unless I think it's truly deserved. But if someone tried to force me into something they would definitely be in for a fight (not necessarily physical). Yeah I'm stubborn. Revenge is something that never seems to last as long as my anger. If I could get revenge the second I'm angry I would do it. But if it requires waiting or is very complicated I'll usually lose interest and hurt them some other way. Probably something petty and small, so I guess I do get revenge. That describes the way I act perfectly, if they go too far, I can't stop myself from lashing out. If it's something I think I can deal with, I'll be calm about it.

When I know I'm right about something, then I already know I'll win in a fight, so I can be really aggressive and demanding (even when I'm not all that angry) so yeah, I'm effective. 

I like space every now and then but I also love my friends. Yes all of my friends now I've known since kindergarten (we weren't all friends back then, but still..). Yeah I tend to bounce around between my favourite people. My favourite kind of play used to be the rough kind but I'm more calm in play now. Actually I adore complete strangers. They are like clean plates you know? Or slates.. whatever it is, that's what they are like. Yes when I'm loud I'm very loud, and I have a very obnoxious laugh (it's not my fault...). Yes I need a lot going on, like I like to read and watch TV and eat and maybe have a small conversation too. *_*

No, I think I would be the assertive one, although I don't prefer long term relationships. Despite this I would be protective of any one I was with. Yeah that sort of thing doesn't really bother me, if something's funny, it's funny. Doesn't matter what the topic or where. 

No, I kind of like keeping secrets, and my personality (although probably me trademark) has changed drastically since oh about four years ago. Yeah I want the people I love to be happy, and if I can make them happy then why not? Aw, distinctive and happy go lucky I am. Yes, sometimes it upsets me how I have I have to explain myself constantly as none really understand why I feel certain ways. Yes I'd like to think I leave an impression on people. Sort of of like a painting they can't really understand, but can somehow appreciate. Overall I'd say this analysis is bang on.

Tyb / Ali / azure-winged magpie
[Ali's dæmon settled as an Arctic tern]
analysis by Cho

A unique individual, you are sharp and sly, and exceedingly clever. You possess a great deal of intellect and ambition, which only your true friends can appreciate about you.

Preferring to remain in larger groups, you are dependent on your friends and family, though there's no doubt in your mind or anyone else's, that you can do just fine on your own.

Because of your mischievous, inquisitive, and talkative nature, many people view you as a pest, though in truth, you are really just misunderstood. But, content with yourself, you aren't willing to change. Those who do take the time to get to know you, however, are friends for life, and you'll never do anything to hurt them in any way.

You are curious and eccentric about things, and have to examine in great care and detail just about everything you see (especially ideas or objects that catch you eye).

you are very social and prefer to dwell near other people, rather than in a small town or remote area. You are EXTREMELY talkative and therefore outgoing, which has given you both good and bad aspects.

An adventurer, you aren't picky about what you eat, as long as it's edible. You are competitive and manipulative and can get people to do what you want, without their realizing. You're fairly adaptable and possess a sweet demeanor. You are open minded and respect the opinions of others-except the ones of those who don't respect anyone but themselves-which in their case, you don't hesitate to contradict them.

You are generous and give aid to those in need, despite what anyone else thinks, Unlike what a lot of people think, you mind is not filled with thoughts of vanity like social gatherings and pranks, but of great complexity like your ideals and virtues, as you believe very strongly in the concepts of fairness and Justice.

Because of all this, you have a distinct appearance and contradicting reputation, which makes you easily recognizable and noticed by others, even though you are sometimes taken for granted.

Ali's thoughts

I'll dissect this by paragraph. I've always been told that I'm clever, and smart for my age--so this isn't really any surprise.....I may not get full scores on my tests, but perhaps my smarts are somewhere else. Not much of a reply to this.....buuut its a start. And ambition.....I guess I have a lot of ambition. I have goals I want to attain--being told I have ambition is a real pick-me-up, and so far I have attained most of the goals I've set for myself (except that one about being a billionaire by age 12. That one was a little tricky). And apparently only my true friends can appreciate this....boy is that true. Don't have much else to say.

As to the next paragraph, I don't have much else to say either. I am really at-home in a large group, but I'm fiercely independent when I want to be. No serious surprises there. I'm comfortable either way.

This is the only part I REALLY don't agree with. And I think I know why. I know (from my favorite book--a book of Symbolism) that magpies are (in the west) viewed as pests, scavengers, and thieves (none of which I am) but in the east, in Asia and Australia, they are viewed as lovable creatures, smart, and seen as creatures of good luck and fortune. The Azure-winged magpie is from the maybe this is where, dare I say, the analysis was wrong? I am a very likeable person--I have yet to meet a person who truly cannot stand me (and those who do have never spoken a word to me--I know this for a fact). But that is the only part I disagree with--all of my friends are true, and I would most definitely never hurt or harm them. And I'm not willing to change.

I am most definitely an eccentric. That's probably the Aquarian in me talking, but I'm definitely not like most other people. I love exploring thing around me, seeing different things for the first time, and really getting to know my surroundings. My curiosity is very high--ever since I was a kid I've wanted to know more about whatever is around me. This is a very true statement.

I am definitely social and love being around people, but I don't mind taking some me-time every now and then. Despite this, I probably WILL live in a city in the future (curse you computer-based job field!) and probably WILL like it (curse you shopping malls!). I am also definitely outgoing--I'm not afraid to try new things (after learning about them, of course), but I don't see the bad aspects of being outgoing....perhaps I'd dive into something without thinking it over once (which....I have done heh....) soooo maybe I shouldn't jump ahead of myself to say I won't in the future. Who knows. I will admit that I'm talkative though. But in a good way.

Ahh...I am an adventurer. Definitely. I love going to new places, discovering new things, and yes, I will eat just about anything (provided it doesn't smell weird). And seeing my track record with proving this analysis wrong, I WOULD say that I'm not manipulative, but perhaps I may be wrong (you DID say I control people without realizing it). And if I do do it to anyone, and if they read it I am truly sorry. Whiiiich leads to the sweet demeanor part. I am really sweet. I'll admit that. It's hard not to love me (just realized I sound REALLY vain when I say that) but its true! I'm really friendly and nice--to everyone. I'm veery open-minded, I have a high level of tolerance for everyone--I'm always willing to give someone a chance. Except for arrogant people. Those people are the only ones that bug me. Obviously.

I could not agree with the next statement more. I'm an uber humanitarian. I can see how others would think of me as vain and thinking of pranks (its happened before) but I really do always think about the common good. Its that darn Aquarian side showing again! I care about people too much. I always want to help and aim towards the greater good. I can't help it.

Almost finally, I sure hope I'm not taken for granted. I am memorable and recognizable, though....

And finally, other than a FEW itsy bitsy points I don't necessarily agree with (but may or may not be true) I may just say that I am overall happy with an azure-winged magpie (and I know Tyb is too) and it just fits me too well. Thank you to Cho/Keira for writing the analysis for me! It fits like a glove. Thank you so much!!

Lanh / Kaye / dragon
Western dragon analysis here
analysis by Cat

You have an obscure and mysterious air about you, and are often misjudged because you are so different, and very unique. Others tend to view you as fierce and even bloodthirsty. Your reputation as a frightening foe precedes you, and while it is true that it would be wiser to befriend you than have you as an enemy, you actually have a friendly and beautiful personality to those you know. Overall you are admirable, intelligent and well-educated. You are known for your wisdom, even sought out for it, and you have a tendency to feel insulted when people don't follow your advice.

You are typically alone; preferring rural areas as opposed to urban areas, you often associate yourself with the elements, and you are hard to find when you don't want to be found. When it means enough to you, you will fiercely protect your possessions, and you can be powerful and bold. Some might call you possessive. As well as this, you can be vain, jealous and proud. When angry, you like to create minor mischief, so people like to keep you happy.

You like to keep yourself busy with tasks you view as important. You are an ambitious person and energetic, making you a good worker. You have a number of unique skills and talents, such as the ability to tell the truth from lies. People would be wise to stay on your good side, but there will always be someone seeking you out with ill intentions. Whether these enemies ever succeed or not, it's hard to say, because you like to come down hard on your opponents.

Kaye's thoughts

I do try to be mysterious, and by mysterious, people don't know how random I'm going to be, or serious, or mad, or whatever, yeah. People don't really know what to except of me. I do tend to be misjudged, I'm sort of a bando/prep/punkish sort of person... I don't really fit into one clique.

    As for the fierce and bloodthirsty bit, my oh my, can I be! You should hear the threats I come up with! This also tends to be what makes me a 'frightening foe,' since most people warn others of what I'm capable of. If you're an enemy of mine, I am way good at the cold shoulder, and I'm really good at ruining reputations. 

Once people get to know me, it's like I'm a whole different person. People do look up to me, that's true. I've also been told I was born sixty, because of my maturity, and intelligence, and wisdom. My friends, once they hear my advice, normally come back for it, and I do hate it when people don't listen, and get offended when I say 'I told you so!'

I tend to call my room 'my cave' because on weekends, I hardly leave it. I work much better when alone, and I hate, hate, HATE crowds. I live near a large city, and I really don't like it, nor the area where I live, which is over developed. I often joke about moving to the middle of nowhere... and then people call me a hermit.

In a crowd, if I want to blend in, I can normally do so, by appearing uninterested, or looking dull, so unlike my normal self.

I have a number of things that are of sentimental value to me, and if someone tried to take them from me, they'd end up hurt. 

Powerful? I'm not sure about that, but definitely bold. I speak my mind, and give opinions, when not wanted. Possessive? I suppose, since I've been called a stalker by one of my crushes... Er... he might have been joking... but whatever.

I like pretty things, but about myself, as long as I look presentable, I'm good. I buy one or two really pretty things, like necklaces or earrings, but only occasionally. Jealous, pfft, too much sometimes. I flipped out on a crush when he told me he got a gf, when he KNEW I was single, and KNEW I liked him.

*ahem* I have a large ego, and I tend to get a bit angry when I get an ego popping...

I do keep busy, often taking on too many tasks at once. But my philosophy is that idle hands make idle minds..

I'm ambitious, and sometimes overly so. I've been accused of digging my own grave with the schedule I have for next year. I keep going, and going, and going when there is work to be done, that I enjoy, and I'll bounce off of walls in hopes of starting something I enjoy.

I can tell when people are upset. I'm a sort of empath, I think the word is. I can normally tell when people are lying, over the phone and in person, but not as easily over the internet.

To me, life is a game of strategies, and my friends are on my team, and enemies are the opponents. Everyone likes to win, and it's true for me. I'm really nasty to people I hate, and I don't hate too many. Those in school who insult me are met with narrowed eyes, and a biting insult, which will humiliate them, and make them get lost.. most of the time.

Tibetan mastiff
analysis by Kate

You aren't necessarily a big person, but you move with a sense of purpose and aggressiveness that makes people think you're always on the edge of doing something violent. You move to get where you're going, rarely looking to the right or left but instead focusing on where you want to be at that given point in time. You don't feel a need to ever dress to impress, but rather feel most comfortable in clothes that suit you, personally. You care about how you look and how other people perceive you, but not enough to willingly change who you are or what you wear to suit their preferences. If they don't like it, it's bound to bother you, but you're going to do it anyway.

You are a very stubborn individual. Sometimes what you do doesn’t always make sense to other people, but you tend to push your way through life with a single-mindedness that can be irritating or endearing depending upon who you’re dealing with. You can become very upset when things don’t go the way you want them to. And by upset, I mean crying, yelling, throwing a tantrum, really raising Cain. You don’t like to have your familiar routine interrupted or challenged, and when it is you can’t stand it. When something is bothering you, you can be very showy and dramatic to the point of foolishness. You don’t like change of any kind and you don’t like people challenging your way of life or criticizing you.

Despite the aura that you give of independence and the ability to be completely comfortable alone, people would be shocked at just how insecure and desperate to please you can be. You don’t like to make mistakes and you don’t like to disappoint people. You have a bad habit of taking personal responsibility for everything that goes wrong in the lives of your friends, and you would do anything to comfort or help them, anything to make things right again. Your affections are clumsy and mean well, but your intensity can sometimes bowl your friends over with their earnestness. There are few things you do halfway when you set your mind to them; although you can be lazy and don’t like to work if it has no resulting benefit to you, it doesn’t mean that you’re incapable of doing a good job. On the contrary, you have a tendency to be very competitive and it leads you to want to be the best at what you do to impress your friends, your boss, your teacher, whoever. It doesn’t matter who, just so long as you’re the one that did the best and did it as only you can.

You are a study of contrasts. You love having good friends and you love to make people happy, but you would much rather spend a quiet evening at home than find yourself going from club to club, party to party, surrounded by noise and chaos and superficial people that you just know could never accept you for who you are. You can’t stand hypocrisy, dishonesty, malice, or waste. You can’t bear the type of people who are back-biting, snide, two-faced, and shallow. You are open and honest about everything you feel, which is why it’s difficult for you to truly relax in large groups of people. You would far prefer to spend some time one-on-one with someone that’s managed to climb the massive walls you’ve put up around yourself, or perhaps go out with two or three people that you’re close to for a good time. You are constantly at war with your solitary nature and probably suffer from loneliness quite a bit. Your personality is the type that tends to drive people off, even though when you give love it’s difficult to rival. Despite this, you love a good friend more than anything and would tear walls down, leap tall buildings, or stop speeding trains to show them how much you care.

You are not an easy person to get to know. You can be very vocal about your opinions to the point of obnoxiousness, though you don’t really notice until your friend’s observing that half the room can hear you. It’s easy for you to lose your temper and when you do, people step back. They step WAY back. Ironically, you absolutely hate confrontation and if there’s a fight on the wind you’d much rather retreat until you cool off and avoid the aggressor at all costs. You would only fight if someone threatens to hurt someone you care about or pushes you intentionally into a corner. Then you’re going to attack, and you’re either going to get your butt handed to you or hurt someone. You can’t stand being talked down to or insulted, and you’re just as likely to blow a fuse as to retreat and fret yourself into a frenzy over the fact that someone, somewhere, doesn’t like you. Patience may be a virtue, but it’s one that has escaped your grasp. You find it far easier to get along with people of the opposite sex. You don’t like people who are the same sex as you and are either going to battle for dominance with them or dismiss them entirely, if you can.

You love to create. You may not always be the best at whatever it is you do, but most if not all of the arts appeal to you. You love your music loud, you love your art colorful and full of detail, you love to watch movies, you take immense pleasure from books you can’t put down. Whatever stimulates the imagination, whatever makes you think, whether it be a Rubix cube you just can’t solve or a particularly good word search or an art project due in two days or that new music CD that just came out, you absolutely love things that inspire. You probably have more than one artistic pursuit and love sharing your creations with other people. You soak up compliments like water in dry soil, because it’s what you thrive on and need. Some people don’t care what other people think about them. That is most definitely not you. You always have to get feedback, you always have to know what you’ve done is acceptable, and you always have to know that people are okay with you. It’s just part of who you are.

You are many things to many people. Some would describe you as sweet and affectionate, loving, generous, and kind. Others would describe you as selfish, arrogant, intolerable, intolerant, narrow-minded, and impossibly childish. You change interests faster than the eye can see and usually have a different face and facet of yourself for every person you talk to. Not to be deceiving, but because you tend to pick up on the habits and peculiarities of each individual person and meld those facets with yourself. It’s all about making that person comfortable around you. You’re never quite the same from day to day, but you are still unmistakable to those that know you. You are unique not because you have an outgoing, gregarious personality, but because you’re so quiet, persistent, and easy to love for those that are willing to try. Despite how stubborn you can be and how willing you are to run from your problems rather than accepting them and overcoming them, you’re still a very strong individual in an unassuming way and that strength translates into charisma that will eventually draw people in like moths to a flame. With a little help and a lot of patience, you can be a truly beautiful person, someone that others can’t help but privately admire so long as you don’t make a fool of yourself and destroy the living room that is their emotional state with some random act of viciousness and insecurity. :)