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Quick Analysis
Page 3

Contains: Hawk | Coyote | Snow leopard | Jaguar | Tiger | Weasel | Bald eagle



-Fly to great heights while keeping your feet on the ground

-Likely to be attacked or harassed by people who don't understand you

-Usually a permanent resident in an area

-Feel the most comfortable in spacious areas

-Hope to be in a lasting relationship; would only find a new lover if your previous one passed away

-Vigorously defend what you believe in


-Stir up hope and new ideas

-Open to the new

-Able to make tremendous comebacks

-Straight-forward about what you want

-Display leadership, deliberation, and foresight

-Thought to be fearless

-Your comments and actions are strong and powerful, and can harm others if you aren't careful

-Joyful and sociable, but also need time to be alone and withdraw a little

-Show great skill

-Keep your living space clean


Check out the coyote analysis here

-Not bound to your friends, but still pretty sociable; prefer to work alone, but will work in groups when beneficial

-Some people look at you with "grudging admiration" or see you as a "cunning interloper"

-Like to travel or wouldn't mind traveling

-Can be aggressive

-Loyal to close friends

-Extremely independent

-You don't need as much as other people; happy with what you receive; not picky

-Shy, unless with people that you are familiar with; normally loud and hyper

-Some hate you for your cunning personality

-Adapt readily to changes


-Tough and wiry, with keen senses and a quick wit

-Natural wanderer

-Celebrate a job well done, and goof off right before it's finished

-Good at avoiding danger

-Have a cautious and delicate way of going about things

-Normally rather humble, but not overly passive

-Can be differentiated from family by your alert, sly gaze and humble carriage

-Can change your social dynamics to best enjoy yourself

-Like to strengthen social bonds and general communication among your companions

-Evasive, secretive nature

-Efforts to bring you down have only produced a person that's extremely alert and wary

-Well able to maintain yourself

-Go out of your way to avoid those you don't like, but have come to realize they may not do you so much harm as good

-Will take advantage of situations when you can

-Normally fairly solitary or in small groups

-Move swiftly and complete tasks easily

-Varied interests; seem to exist off whatever you're offered when it comes to 'food for the soul'

-May take advantage of your vigor to hold out for something over a long period, then striking when an opportunity arises

-Odd tastes; have a liking for some things others find terrible

-At first feel like you're competing for the one you love, but once the relationship is established, you can assume it's for life (male coyote)

-Help support your mate; like to tend to them (male coyote)

-The more educated firmly believe that you're useful, and maybe even necessary for preserving balance where you live

-Most active at night, but if allowed the chance, you'll work during the daylight hours

-More likely to be heard than seen; what you say can be deceiving or ambiguous; your mind appears to be in one place, but is really in another

-Due to your intelligence and ability to adapt to changes, you've not only survived but flourished

-Process any information you can comprehend; quick to learn new things

-Many seem to be against you, but your value is beginning to be recognized

-Interactions between you and those who pose a threat can be aggressive

-Putting pressure on you is overall ineffectual

-Rarely do you not provide for those who need it

-Can hide your true feelings behind a colorful personality

-More beneficial than harmful in your habits and to others

-Utilize a wide range of knowledge

-Prefer to not have competition

-Less likely to stick with a circle of friends than others

-Can tell by a person's body language that they're not feeling like themselves

-Share the spoils with those who helped

-Clever and determined; proud individual who will not be defeated

-A powerful force and yet the butt of humor

-Can be held up as a terrible example of conduct, and yet admired for a careless, anarchistic energy

-When you sense trouble, you don't investigate - you run

-Recognizable to most people

-Respond rigorously when someone tries to do you harm

-Rarely do you volunteer to tackle large responsibilities, if alone

-Even when making progress, you stay modest

-Cease communication with imposters

-What may disturb others greatly pleases you

-Timid and with a natural fear of humans

-Curious and may watch others from a distance

-Often get hurt emotionally because of human carelessness

-Are most dangerous to others when you become bold

-Your personality helps you easily obtain what you need

-Virtually impossible to discourage from something once you've found a liking for it

-Somewhat vulnerable

-Your bad reputation is largely unwarranted

-Recover from emotional slumps quickly

-If left alone, you'll be kind and even help those who view you disdainfully

-No longer concentrate on the little things, but set your sights high

-The tactics you use suggest a good measure of intelligence

-Detect the details missed by others; little escapes your notice

-Rely mostly on your good speaking abilities (and not aggression) to win an argument

-Those who understand you hold you in admiration, affection, and partiality

-Even when someone allows you to 'make yourself at home,' you're too shy to do anything until they've left

-It's a personal trait of yours to put things off for later

-Live life on the defensive

-Your furtive eyes always seem to be considering all the options

-Possess an uncanny sensitivity to any threat to your own welfare

-Will defend loved ones even against the most fearsome opponents

-Opportunistic nature is a major reason underlying your success

-Creative jokester

-Playful and love to have fun

-Skillful, but may look for ways to do things that don't involve use of your skill; like short cuts

-Remind others not to become too serious

-Make things more complicated than they need to be

-Teach the balance of wisdom and folly

-May seem to be a simpleton, yet the words and actions have a much greater wisdom than is initially recognized

-Tied to simplicity and trust

-Develop poise in the chaos of life

-Stimulate and renew innocence; reawaken a childlike wisdom in response to the world

-Wonderful sense of humor

-Intelligent, creative, and artistic mind

-Able to inspire cooperation to accomplish important tasks in the most efficient manner

-Have a very close-knit family unit

-Very conscientious (male coyote)

--Snow leopard--

Check out the snow leopard analysis here

-Mysterious; an enigma

-Balanced life

-Able to block out or protect yourself from the world's cold aspects

-Essentially solitary but not always asocial

-Aren't known to raise your voice or yell

-Most active in the early morning and late afternoon

-Powerful and agile

-Can make amazing leaps in progress

-Seen as valuable or one of a kind

-The most talkative when around your mate

-There's nothing too big for you to handle; fearless

-Your mood changes drastically and is not well defined

-Would rather not travel; homebody

-Head's always in the clouds; a daydreamer

-Very concerned with your work and what you've accomplished

-Good at remaining inconspicuous

-Strong intuition

-Learn quickly what is within your ability to capture and how best to approach it

-Considered to be the least aggressive of your relatives

-Can make great leaps over new obstacles


Check out the jaguar analysis here

-Have integrity and impeccability

-Often alone

-Don't really need to travel; can survive in a relatively small town

-May cover ground easily, but tire quickly

-Like tackling medium-sized projects, rather than simple or daunting ones

-People find it difficult to really know you because of your reclusive nature

-You're not "out to get" people, so much as you merely keep an eye on them to make sure they won't bother you

-Your vigorous spirit makes you appear bigger than you are

-Frequent open country

-Often find yourself in direct competition with others; this looms as a large threat

-A formidable opponent for most

-Loud when you wish to stand out

-Although verbal attacks on others have occurred, you are rarely aggressive; you haven't developed a love for any 'tough attitude'

-Randomly do nice things for your mate

-Will pursue anything that's within your reach

-Differ from relatives in your method of completing tasks



-Magnificent, and stir a feeling of awe in all who see you

-Display devotion to friends and family (more so a female tiger)

-Go about things slowly, but can get much accomplished in a single day

-Silent solitary power

-Colorful and unpredictable

-Passionate and sensual



-Able to bring down formidable opponents in a battle of wits

-Can become very intimidating with little effort

-Go after something and hold onto it

-Your insults may cut deep

-It seems like everything about you is unique

-Always notice when someone's hitting on you (male tiger)

-A flirter (male tiger)

-In general, your social system is not complex

-Usually work alone, though there have been instances when you're very tolerant and work in pairs

-Feel you must protect loved ones, and pretty much everyone you know (male tiger)

-People should learn to interpret your body signals, since this may help them avoid your hostility; your body language conveys much information to those who know you

-Vicious when envy consumes you (male tiger)

-Can knock people off their train of thought, and use this to your advantage

-Conceal your intentions; sneaky, which is a successful technique for getting something

-Take in a lot of information in one sitting

-Contact with "enemies" is avoided

-People are mislead into thinking you're highly adaptable, but in fact you are very dependent on the lifestyle you're accustomed to

-Exude grace, inner beauty, and an uncanny ability to disappear and re-emerge

-Will jump into unpleasant situations if forced to, but like to carefully avoid them

-Extremely conspicuous outside your usual niche

-Notice even slight changes around you; alert

-You approach new circumstances cautiously, and regularly pause to assess the situation

-In the 'final stretch' you cover ground swiftly

-Share with others without reason; can be quite generous

-May spend several days racking your brain over the same thing

-Allow others to go first, even if this means you may go without (female tiger)

-The things you say attract the attention of the opposite sex

-For those who need the assistance, you may help get them started (female tiger)

-Are a combination of strong instincts and strong emotions and no inhibition

--Weasel / Ermine--

-Can get out of tight fixes

-Graceful and solitary

-The worst thing a person could do is assume that you're weak simply because you're silent

-Although you may often be a loner, you uncover a lot about people in your life

-Ferocity is strong within you; will attack those you feel are threatening loved ones

-'Go for the throat' of those who threaten or try to best you; hang on until the damage is done

-If angered, do not hesitate to attack in some way; may be verbal assaults that cut deep and sure and inflict lasting wounds


-See beneath the surface for intent/meaning

-Exhibit aggressive behavior to those you feel are intruding

-Quick, agile, and alert

-Good at making steady progress or crossing over an obstacle

-Possess ingenuity

-Known to be a noisy person


-Will threaten opponents, even if they're bigger than you

-Most would say you know more than your relatives; your knowledge is widely distributed

-Keen; tricky


-Willing to 'shed your old skin'


-Soft-hearted underneath your exterior, but don't like to show this

-Playful at times, but not very sociable


-Have a poor reputation; thought of as cruel and sneaky


-Alert and watchful

-Not picky about your living arrangements, so long as its comfortable and you can personalize it

-Fearless and bold; make up for your size in courage; few care to tangle with such a determined foe

-Hard to catch due to your size and speediness

-Few can match their skill and daring; show little fear, and will not hesitate to attack those stronger than you

-Tireless, spending most of your waking hours on the prowl

-Protective of those younger than yourself (female weasel)

-Often go here and there, getting work done, without being seen or disturbed

-Can change your facade

-Among the most ferocious

-Like to store unused things away for later

-Some might call you greedy

-Have the ability to escape through the tiniest of openings; great at "weaseling" your way out of things

-There are those who respect your fiery spirit

--Bald eagle--

-Admired by many; can inspire people

-Amaze and thrill

-So good at getting what you want that you spend little time worrying about it

-Of the earth, but not caught up in it

-Others see heroic nobility in you, and others bad moral character

-Able to grasp onto things powerfully, and utilize what you grasp; quickly take hold of a situation

-Weak vocally, but you know when to speak, how much, and how strongly; can hurt others with words

-Collect what is needed (male eagle)

-An "architect" (female eagle)

-Good at dealing with cooperative responsibility

-There is joy, danger, excitement, and power in your love

-Confident aura

-Bide your time

-See opportunities and snatch them when they arise; watch for them from a distance

-Have a sense of timing and movement

-Able to live anywhere in your current country, so long as you're supplied with the necessities

-Know how to "push a person's buttons," and can leave them speechless - either from shock or fury

-Your actions sometimes suggest you are fiercely loyal to your mate, but there isn't any sound evidence that you'll always stay with them

-A perfectionist who always goes back to add something

-Choose routes you can take advantage of

-You're all about the specifics

-Unique compared to those around you