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Quick Analysis
Page 2

Contains: Jackal | Wolf | Red fox | Arctic hare | Cougar | Crow


-Skillful at finding little-known information

-Capable of taking care of yourself, but will sooner get help from others than do something on your own

-Always take the easiest, risk-free options in life

-Take advantage of situations and surroundings

-Clever and persistent when after something


-Hope for a permanent relationship


-Wide range of interests

-Patient and resourceful

-Adaptable and highly successful

-Great advertisement for monogamy

-Will put yourself at risk to defend your lover

-Readily work as a team with your lover

-Will rigorously defend what you've earned

-Quick, agile, and often brave

-There can be no doubt that you'll be tough when necessary


-Take what's available

-Wary and cunning

-Mature quickly

-Despite your bad reputation, you're valuable to others

-Your dark side contrasts with your more gentle qualities (black-backed jackal)

-You're small, but can eat a lot; will eat almost anything

-Not as vicious as people believe (side-striped jackal)

-Test people

-Out to bond with that special someone; do most everything together

-Help out your parents and younger siblings

-Definitely learned about parenting from your own parents

-Form temporary groups and invade on another's territory

-Persistently pester people to get what you want -- usually something of theirs


Check out the gray wolf dæmon analysis here

-More persistent than efficient

-Become very curious about a stranger if you see them a few times

-Crave the woodlands, not the suburbs

-Not easy to describe

-Distinct style

-Some actively dislike or fear you

-Appear intimidating, but are overall a timid soul; not the malicious figure people take you for

-Active at twilight and during the night

-Warn people you mean business before starting a fight with them

-Unique voice

-Have to put a lot of hard work into everything; seem to fail more than you succeed

-Fit for travel; often 'on the move'

-Used to going a while without what you need or want

-Can smoothly work your way through a task for hours on end, almost without effort or a changed pace

-Your greatest natural enemy may be those a lot like yourself

-Must live someplace suitable; aren't able to adapt

-Bond strongly with loved ones

-Patterns of dominance and subordination in your cluster of friends; group falls apart when there's too much competition

-Like to play-fight

-Most aggressive when sick, or when you're 'not yourself'

-Many misconceptions persist that you're antagonistic

-Do not always use the same strategies; each day brings a new game of wits

-Will not desert something you've earned unless especially scared

-Others usually discover what you don't want them to

-Not known to verbally attack people

-Seek the approval of those in authority

-Agile, lithe, and graceful

-Have no problems seeing the entire picture

-Face has been described as cruel, intelligent, crafty, curious, handsome, savage, and sly.  Depending on your mood, your countenance is all of these.

-Your body language and facial expressions have great meaning; usually you're very expressive with hands, posture, face, or in some other manner

-Mysterious; often lost in your thoughts

-Without discipline, can get violent

-Friendly, social, and highly intelligent

-Sense of family strong and loyal

-Very ritualistic; live by carefully defined rules

-Do not fight unnecessarily; though extremely strong and powerful, disagreements rarely end in serious fights

-Tolerant of others

-Amiable towards young ones

-Make use of all that is available to you

-Have a capacity for making quick and firm emotional attachments; trust your own insights and secure your attachments

-Guard others with love

--Red fox--

Check out the red fox analysis here

-Flamboyant and cunning

-Sly or shifty behavior

-Some don't think of you as a friend, but they should

-Seem to sneer at man

-Have real intellect and great depth

-Most active during the daylight hours, but well-equipped for working at night

-Few people are aware of how you act when frightened or excited

-Confrontations are usually avoided, but you will fiercely attack intruders

-Mostly solitary; work best when alone

-Must be swift in your actions

-Seem to notice the subtle more than the obvious

-When not with friends or your mate, you're living life at a total rest or engaged in a lifelong search for what you're after

-It's not often that you're completely taken by surprise; if startled, you're out of sight in seconds

-Will follow any path of least resistance; make a lot of detours to learn more information

-Try to take in whatever information you come across

-Anything you can't finish on the spot is put away for a later time

-Much less talkative than your relatives

-Usual to see you out with relatives

-Aim your aggression at exactly the right person

-Approach situations tranquilly

-Very shy, but you can become tolerant and even curious of acquaintances

-Become bolder when not persecuted

-Are determined when challenged

-Hard to corner

-Detect potential danger at an early stage

-Can outwit many

-Uniquely skilled; ingenious

-May come and go unnoticed; move silently without revealing your intentions

-Able to insulate yourself from anything that may seem to be cold, especially in relationships

-Excellent ability to hear what is not being said

-Respond strongly to smells

-Often solitary and comfortable with that state

--Arctic hare--



-Imbued with virtue

-Able to defend yourself

-Have a knack for avoiding being seen

-Don't foreshadow your moves in work or play

-Clever at doubling back; making quick and rapid turns

-Seize opportunities that only present themselves for brief moments

-Your dreams are grand, but also reasonable

-Don't want everything to be perfect in your life, for you know the unexpected helps you grow

-Dig out what you need

-Those who know you best will vouch that you can be intimidating

-Usually don't use your aggression to hurt others, but to get through tough situations

-Get much done at night

-Solitary much of the time, but may mingle with a large group of people

-Active throughout the year

-Feel the safest when near family and friends

-Wouldn't mind living in a small town; prefer a cozy little house to share with your mate

-Tend to follow familiar paths; when after something, you use the same methods as usual

-Can make speedy progress when you want to

-May fight with another individual; do not get personal, but instead snap insults at them, or fight physically

-Do not have dominance issues

-Love passionately and fiercely (male hare)

-Overall very passive

-When alarmed, you look around for the source of danger; if it's spotted, you will quickly leave the area

-Prefer sheltered areas

-Can find what item or information you're after, even if it's well hidden


-Learn to become invisible or insignificant to those who'd otherwise be a threat

-Can move so quickly that your opponents can't keep up

-May fight over someone you're trying to win the affection of (male hare)

-Spar with your friends (male hare)



-If it could be put into percentages, you get 80% of what you want


-Precise; decisive

-Notice subtle changes in people

-It's not uncommon for you to be wrongfully accused of something

-Fast and powerful, but tire quickly

-Learn to use your strengths through trail and error

-People may not like you asserting, and will try to keep you in the category they've always keep you; can choose to remain so, or show your capabilities

-There will always be some who will not wish to see you come into your own power or will ever acknowledge that you have

-Make decisions quickly and strongly; leap at opportunities

-Your strengths can be asserted gently; you have time when you're gentle and times when you must be forceful

-When you go after something, you don't hesitate

-A strict loner, except for when with your mate

-Known to possess an extensive array of knowledge

-Use a wide variety of habitats

-Ordinary looking; appear to be rough or harsh

-Can be aggressive when the need arises, but usually have your guard down

-Your words can cut people deep without much effort

-Able to grab what you need from a chunk of information

-Hopeless romantic

-May try interfering with the relationships of others (male cougar)

-Work first, play later

-Will protect little ones until you feel they can handle themselves (female cougar)

-Do slightly better when given assistance, but don't like getting help or mooching off others

-Primarily work after dusk

-Tolerant of those of the same sex (female cougar); less likely to be seen hanging out with the same sex (male cougar)

-Touch is important in bonding

-Have a distinctive manner in how you tackle large projects

-Come back to certain things once it's nighttime

-Secretive and generally avoid social gatherings

-Don't have many enemies; confident

-Keep things around you under control

-You can be a threat to others when you chose to be, but ideas of how threatening are exaggerated

-Despite your inner strength, you are, because of your extreme wariness, infrequently seen by people outside your town

-Initiate courtship (female cougar)

-Have no preference for a specific environment--just as long as there's plenty of space and an adequate supply of all you need

-Strongly defensive


-Conceal your intentions when after something


-Have the unique ability to outwit most, and enjoy this to the fullest

-Very intelligent and adaptable; adapt to what's around you

-Among the brightest of your relatives

-Intrigue and aggravate people


-Communicate well with others; work together

-Pick up on things easily

-Put as much effort into building the relationship as your mate

-Set out to make yourself as attractive as possible; like to stand out (male crow)

-Polite and modest towards someone you're attracted to; like to woo them (male crow)

-Enjoy being physically close to your mate, such as just sitting beside them

-Strong spiritually


-Can be greedy


-Able to occupy a number of habitats

-Don't mind helping those in need

-In a word, one could describe you as 'opportunistic'

-Like being with a bunch of friends

-Look out for others, so long as they return the favor
